The Day of the Exam

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Disclaimer: Day who knows how many: I still don't own Hetalia T^T

Countries' Names:

America:  Alfred

Canada:  Matthew

England:  (not canon) Evan

Russia: (technically not canon) Ivan

China: (not canon) Cory

Prussia:  (not canon) James

Germany:  (not canon) Aldwin

Japan:  (not canon) Darwin

Italy:  (not canon) Edmundo

Romano:  (not canon) Jason

Spain:  (not canon) Arturo

France:  (not canon) Peter
Here's a little Christmas present for you all. :)


Third Person PoV

   The radio blared in America's car, the pounding beat occasionally startling him from sleep.

   "Hey, hey, hey! Eyes on the road, man!" Jordan was seriously beginning to regret his decision to spend the night studying at Alfred's house.

   Alfred laughed tiredly. "Sorry, dude, I'll be more careful."

    "'Sorry, dude, I'll be more careful', Al, you're gonna get us killed if you keep driving like you are now. Just let me switch spots with you so we actually live long enough to take the exams." Jordan wondered how the blond 'hero' was so exhausted; Alfred had been the first to fall asleep, he'd already drank two cups of coffee, and he'd been the last of the two to wake up that morning.

   "Don't worry about it, Jordan," Alfred insisted. "I'm fine, seriously; look, we're almost to the campus."

   "So? Do you know how often people get into car crashes just a few miles from where they were going? I don't wanna risk it."

   "Dude, chill, we'll be fine. I'm already more awake, see?"

   Jordan hated the fact that Alfred was so stubborn, even though Jordan himself wasn't any better. He hated the fact that, because they were riding in Alfred's car, he couldn't just force Alfred out of the driver's seat. Most of all, Jordan hated the fact that Alfred was tired and driving.

   Jordan sighed and tightened his seatbelt. "Al, I just really don't feel comfortable with you driving right now."

   Alfred looked at him from the corner of his eye, the blue of his eyes made to look much brighter because of the light shadows under his eyes. He stayed quiet for a minute.

    Finally, he said, "It's all right, Jordan. If you want, you can drive. After all, I am the hero, and heroes do whatever they can to help." He slowed the car down and moved to the side. Once stopped, he unbuckled his seatbelt and Jordan did the same, they switched seats. Jordan drove the rest of the way, relaxing the closer he got to the campus.

   Upon arrival, Jordan parked and got out of the car, the last vestiges of tension leaving his shoulders. He sighed in relief and grabbed his bag, slinging one of the straps over his shoulder.

    "Right," he said cheerfully. "You ready to die of exam anxiety?"

   Alfred laughed. "Sure, bro. Exams, here we come!"

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