Bad Boy

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Disclaimer: I don't, much to my annoyance, own Hetalia. All Hetalia characters do not belong to me. The only characters who do belong to me are the OC's. Well, enjoy~

Countries' names:

Romano - Jason
China - Cory
Prussia - James
Italy - Edmundo
England - Evan
Russia - Ivan
Japan - Darwin
Germany - Aldwin
France - Peter
Spain - Arturo


Alfred rubbed his eyes. How late was it? He checked his phone blearily. Three in the morning. Geez, no wonder his eyes were tired. He'd been up until the next day!

"Great," he yawned, covering his mouth with his hand. He stretched a little, feeling his back crack and pop pleasantly. "I should probably get some sleep. . ."

Why was he awake so late--or was it early--? The answer was America had to finish his homework(which he finally caught up on, although he sacrificed quite a few weekends to do it), then he needed to finish a few reports for his President, and then he needed to finish up his speech for the next world meeting. That is, if he managed to even get there. And, of course, if he managed to get his nerves under control.

There were just a few problems with the latter of the things America had done. One, he tended to get nervous and default to his speech about Global Warming and super heroes; and two, the next meeting was in Athens, Greece, which meant that even if America finished his exams early, he still wouldn't be able to get there in time.

Just perfect.

America sighed and stood up from his desk, making sure to save his work on the computer before turning it off. He was not having a repeat of what had happened about three years ago, when he had finished a ten page report only to have it deleted because he had forgotten to save it. Let it be known, America was not happy that time.

Pulling his jacket off, America took his shirt off, and changed into a pair of sweats. He didn't feel like getting those lines people usually got when they slept in jeans. Taking off his glasses, America rubbed his face, stifling a yawn. He set his glasses on his night stand, before trudging reluctantly to the bathroom. Slowly, America brushed his teeth(he hated waking up with the taste of his mouth with yesterday's food and stuff) and washed his face(although this might have been counterproductive, making him feel more awake than he should have been).

Climbing into bed, America pulled the covers over his body, trying to fall asleep. Almost immediately upon crashing on the bed, America was asleep, dreaming about flying, food, and an arrangement of colours that exploded in his sleeping mind.

Too soon his dreams were interrupted by his alarm blaring in his ears, telling him he needed to wake up and smell the flowers. That is, if he had flowers. Which he did, just not in his house.

America groaned, turning to slam his hand down on the alarm's snooze button.

"Can't I take a break?" He complained, rolling over.

Obviously not, he thought sullenly. Education is important.

Damn you, American school system! Why do I need to go to college on a Saturday?! America couldn't help but complain, even if it was his own schooling system. Even he admitted that there were flaws in the American school system, but he couldn't change anything, that was something Congress and the President needed to do.

Getting up, he lazily made his bed, not bothering to smooth out the wrinkles on the sheets or the blankets. Brushing his teeth, America tried to keep his eyes from closing.

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