Oxygen- A Month Later

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[Y/N] was awake at 6:00 a.m. Ryan's computer screen illuminated her face as she scrolled through a Facebook group, looking for homes for rent. Ryan snored loudly in bed, taking up half of the bed with the blankets pouring off the edge of the bed. Ryan slept on his stomach, his face dug into the pillow beneath his head.
[Y/N] scrolled until she passed a few photos of an apartment. She scrolled up using the mouse and clicked the picture of what appeared to be the living room.
Woah... Beautiful, [Y/N] thought, looking through the rest of the pictures. The apartment looked like it had been remodeled just days ago, the floors literally shined in the photos. [Y/N] read the description.
$600 a month, one bedroom, one bath. Open living space.
[Y/N] leaned forward, a liquid filled her throat. She struggled to keep it down as she ran for the bathroom. [Y/N] cupped her hand over her mouth. She gagged and coughed, causing chunky vomit to slip through her fingers.
[Y/N] barged into the bathroom, which Matt so happened to be in, "Dude what the fuck!" Matt yelled. [Y/N] dove for the bath tub, gagging over the side, Matt's screams filling the tiny room.
Mark pushed the bathroom door open, "What the f-" he started, his voice silence by [Y/N]'s gags. Matt hurriedly pulled up his jeans and flushed the toilet.
"Holy Fuck." Matt ran out the the bathroom and stood by the doorway.
"Dude you could fucking help." Mark halted at Matt, then he bent down to hold her vomit covered hair.
[Y/N] silenced for a few moments, her breathing hitched as the stink of vomit filled the bathroom. "Go wake Ryan..." Mark looked at Matt. Matt almost immediately went to enter Ryan's room, but slipped on the vomit that escaped [Y/N]'s hands as she ran.
"FUCK" Matt yelled. Standing up, his socks had the chunky food and water mix on the bottom. Matt threw his sock off and decided the walk to Ryan's room.
When Matt entered, Ryan was throwing a t-shirt on, "Dude what's going on?" Ryan said, approaching Matt.
"Your girl is sick." Matt motioned towards the bathroom down the hall.
Ryan walked and entered the bathroom which [Y/N] still sat, hunched over the bathtub. Mark still holding her hair. [Y/N] spits few times, but never stood up to indicate she was feeling better.
"Dude what happened?" Ryan questioned.
"I don't know, I heard Matt scream." Mark looked over to Matt who still stood in the doorway.
"I was trying to shit when she came in here with vomit dripping down her hands." Matt said defensively, even though there was nothing to be defensive about.
[Y/N] stood, taking a wet towel to her face.
"Nice to know you're okay." Matt said sarcastically.
"Duh.." [Y/N] choked. Then it hit her. dude..what if I'm pregnant.
"Dude what if you're pregnant." Matt said, as if he were reading her mind.
"I-I don't know..." She replied, wiping her face gently.
"Did ya guys do it?" Mark wiggled his eyebrows.
"I mean, there's a chance. But.." Ryan said shakily.
"Might wanna go get a test." Matt jingled his car keys in hand. [Y/N] brushed her teeth and changed into a pink shirt and black sweats, along with her black bear-paw boots. She threw on one of Ryan's jackets and  invited Ryan to come.
"Duh." Ryan said, slipping his feet into his sandals and taking the car keys off the hook in the living room.

Positive. That's what the pregnancy test said.
"Ryan..." [Y/N] called. Ryan waited outside the bathroom door.
"Yeah?" Ryan pushed the door open.
"You're gonna be a father."

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