Oxygen- Her Diary

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        Three Weeks
I visited the doctor today, he said I am three weeks in. He did an ultrasound, and the baby is so small right now. I hate to call them "the baby" but I'm not sure what else to call them, Danny? I'll call the baby Danny, because the name will either be Danielle or Daniel.

   Two Months, 2 Weeks
   I went in for another checkup, Danny is still doing fine. The doctor told me I might not be able to carry a baby full term, I don't believe him. I forgot to write after last ultra sound, oh well. Not much to write...
    Three Months
The doctor warns me constantly that I won't be able to carry the baby. I don't care. We're in this far and I'm riding it out until the end. Today, Ryan was able to come with me for an ultra sound. The printed picture of Danny is inside his wallet. He seems pretty happy.

     Four Months, 3 Weeks
2nd trimester. Going well. Doctor says everything is fine, nothing else. Ryan felt the baby move for the first time today. Matt was there to witness, and recorded Ryan's adorable laugh when he felt his mini-self inside my growing stomach. Ryan loves to sing to my belly. It's so adorable, I love it.
       7 Months.
    I forgot to write... But today, Danni is just fine. We found out that it's a boy. Yay for us. Ryan is obsessed with Danny's adorable kicks and punches. It's amazing. Morning sickness drives me crazy. Doctor said the baby isn't going to make it, but I don't believe him. I'm not giving up this far in. I love my baby boy already. We started buying baby clothes and car seats. Even a stroller. Ryan's mom helped and came to visit. She's in love with Danny too. Life is great.
      8 Months, 3 weeks

Everything is great. I'm due two weeks from now. I'm so excited. I'm supposed to go to the hospital three days before to get ready and situated. Ryan is staying with me, I will be awake during labor. Yay. Doctor still says there is a chance of still-birth. I don't believe him. I love my little Daniel Lee Magee. I'm not giving up on my little boy.

Oxygen-Sequel to "Gasoline"|| Ryan x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ