Oxygen- Ryan's Thoughts

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Ryan later that night walked inside his home. His dog still lie there lifeless. The blood of his dog and his son dripped in various places. Ryan walked to his room, and sat in his computer chair. "Daniel, what are you trying to tell me... I love you so much. Both of you. Danny, take care of my baby boy for me.." Ryan thought aloud. [Y/N] was staying with her parents for the night, leaving Ryan alone.
Daniel, I'm sorry. Baby Daniel, there was so much I wanted to teach you. Ryan's thoughts lingered.
Ryan stood up and entered Daniel's room, Daniel's guitar in the corner. Ryan picked it up and slung the strap over his shoulder.
Both of you mean so much to me. Ryan thought as he ran his fingers across the strings.
      Ryan's phone rang in the other room. He walked to his room to unlock his phone. The LA police department. What else... Ryan thought. He ignored the call and sat on his bed, plucking the guitar strings.
       Ryan's life was crumbling infront of him. For many months, almost a year, he stayed strong for Daniel. He fought through it. He knew he could do it. He stopped smoking, lost weight. Now it was as if Daniel were telling him that he wasn't doing good enough. He didn't deserve Daniel. He hated the thoughts. I have to get through it for Daniel... Ryan thought.
      He wasn't so sure how much much he could take. His best friend was gone, his dog, dead, his son... Ryan's eyes teared up.
    "No." He said aloud. "I have to get through it for my angels..." Ryan tried to pull a smile, but it resulted in him sobbing into his hands. "I can do it." He said between his tears. "Why did you leave me here..." Ryan's thoughts shifted. "Why did you leave me here alone." He spoke to the silence that lingered in his home. "I need you. Why did you take my son from me." Ryan wasn't sure who he spoke to, he pleaded for an explanation, but he knew there wasn't one.
"Life is just an asshole to me..." Ryan muttered. "Taking away everyone I love... Everything..." Ryan stood up to wash his face. "I'm only human, I can't take more of this bullshit..."

Oxygen-Sequel to "Gasoline"|| Ryan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now