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Brisk autumn wind was stripping trees of its yellow and auburn dead leaves as the cold drizzle washed the busy streets outside. Elisa sighed heavily as she looked through the window of her classroom. She was bored as hell, it was her first class this morning and she certainly wasn't excited to sit in history class this early.

Her whole week was pretty much non-eventful, she was tied up in homework and cheering practices. She couldn't wait for the week-end to finally relax a bit, and she decided she would definitely steer clear from any parties in the near future, considering the outcomes of the last one she went to.

Besides having a killer headache and barfing for the good portion of her Sunday, she was still a bit upset over the unpleasant encounter in the closet with Isabelle. She was surprised herself that she got that wasted, usually she was composed and never went off the limits. Aidan told her that even he was shocked with her state of drunkenness on Saturday. He told her she was mumbling something about some green eyes the whole time on their way home. Elisa couldn't recall any of that and she had a feeling that much more was missing from her night but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't put her finger on it. 

As for Isabelle, she didn't speak to her again after their argument. She figured it was time to quit being nice to that vicious girl. Hence, she ignored her completely, like she didn't exist. It seemed to Elisa that Isabelle was fine with that too, except for weird glances she would sometimes cast her way when she thought Elisa wasn't looking.

"Miss Brown."

"Huh?" Elisa snapped from her reverie to see that teacher was calling her name.

"I see you are more interested in the rain than you are in my class." the teacher raised her eyebrow at Elisa. Majority of heads turned in Elisa's direction. She noticed Isabelle looking at her too. She had again that strange expression on her face. Her eyebrows knitted close together as in confusion and questioning. Their eyes met for a brief second, Isabelle's stare so intense as if she wanted to figure out something from Elisa's face.

"Umm, I am sorry." Elisa apologetically smiled turning her attention back at the scolding teacher.

"It's fine, just pay attention from now on." teacher said finally before continuing with her long lecture.

Elisa just nodded in response and quickly glanced at Isabelle, but she wasn't looking at her anymore. She sighed again and decided to at least try to pay attention to what her teacher was talking about.


"Ely pass me the ball." Ashley shouted as Elisa dribbled towards the opponent's basket. They were playing basketball for the past 30 minutes in her gym class. The teacher divided all the girls in class into two teams.

Strands of Elisa's hair that escaped her high ponytail were clinging to her sweaty face. She grinned happily as she was about to pass the ball to Ashley who would score for sure and bring them victory in this little play off. 

As she extended her hands to pass the ball she felt a hard push on her left shoulder and she was sent sprawling on the hard gym floor. She winced and cried out as the pain spread through the side of the body she landed on. Her teammates hurried towards her asking if she was alright.

"Yeah I'm ok." she replied still wincing from the pain.She was rubbing her hurt thigh and tried to get up as she heard her teacher yell.

"What was that Miss Parrier?" he demanded strictly.

Elisa looked up to see the culprit smirking slightly with her eyes narrowed at her before turning back to teacher and responding sweetly. "Oh I am sorry sir, it was an accident, I just wanted to snatch the ball." 

P.S. I hate you! (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now