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2:15 A.M. Isabelle glanced at the clock, she lay awake for hours now. The only sound in her room was her labored breathing. She couldn't sleep as the flashes of the night replayed in her head. The way Elisa looked like when Isabelle stripped her of her clothes, her long tanned legs, her flat stomach, and her round, firm breasts caused Isabelle's breath to hitch in her throat as she thought about it.

Isabelle could still vividly recall the feeling of carresing her breasts and cupping them in her hands. The way Elisa moaned in her ear, and the way she kissed her, the way her naked body glistened with sweat under the glow of moonlight, made Isabelle throb with want again. She peered at the emptiness on the other side of her bed.

What would have happened if she had said yes?  Isabelle couldn't help but wonder.

At this moment it all seemed like some weird dream. If not for the sweet soreness of her muscles she would have certainly thought it was.

I mean how unbelievable this is... I had sex with Elisa...twice. I would never in a thousand years believe that this could happen, Isabelle mused to herself. 

Why did I do it anyways, why did I seduce her? At the beggining it was all a game, but how did I get from teasing her to inviting her to stay over? Was I so swayed away by lust to allow myself to let my guard down...and especially around her, the person I despise the most?  Isabelle sighed heavily into the night.

"I can't."  Those three simple words from Elisa's mouth rung in her head again. She recalled standing naked and stunned in her living room, as Elisa gathered her clothes in frenzy and ran out of her house as if on fire.

I guess this is for the best. That's what you get Isabelle for sleeping with the enemy...literally, she scoffed in the night. 

However despite Isabelle's efforts to brush the rejection off as if it was nothing important, she was still undeniably hurt by it. She worked hard all the time so that no one would be capable of saying no to her, and Elisa threw it all back in her face. And she did it in the worst possible moment, when Isabelle lowered her guard for a split second.

The burning hatred spread through her body as she thought of that little moment when she felt the all-familiar feeling, rejection. She had to get back at Elisa, show her she can't play with her like that.

Her mind was running wildly now, scanning through "Schemes 101"  by Isabelle Parrier to find a perfect idea for getting back at Elisa. But nothing seemed good enough since she never managed to destroy Elisa with any of her regular schemes.

Maybe I was looking for a solution in a wrong way. Since Elisa didn't have any vices maybe I should look at her virtues, hmmm... Isabelle mused as the little wheels in her mind started to turn in a right direction.

Finally, at this late time of the night a devious plan started forming in her head.

I know exactly what to do, Isabelle grinned devilishly, and finally closed her eyes drifting away.


Elisa certainly didn't spend her weekend the way she imagined it. It consisted of stuffing with ice-cream, avoiding Aidan, and moping around the house in her PJs. She didn't cry though. Friday night she bawled her eyes out until she didn't have the energy to cry anymore. She knew she looked like hell, her cheeks puffy, huge circles under her eyes and her hair disheveled but she didn't care.

Remorse was eating her out, but that wasn't the only source of her tears. What killed her the most was that she was feeling something other than remorse, something that was overwhelmingly stronger. Every fiber in her body was screaming for Isabelle's touch, but Elisa knew that was wrong, she had a boyfriend, and Isabelle was a conniving bitch. She couldn't allow herself to be attracted to her.

P.S. I hate you! (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now