The SEA Members+Timor as Queen/King

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#Prediction #JustForLOLs #RanOfIdeasAgainM8 :-^) #Tumblr

M!Philippines: And uh, to celebrate um, three days without rain this week, WE SHALL FEAST

M!Myanmar: One two three, I declare war on *flips coin* ENGLAND

M!Cambodia: Shhh Leave me alone. I'm planning for my next World War.

F!Brunei: Hold a town meeting. I wanna hold every newborn baby.

Thailand: Oh my God! Everyone, I defeated the Boss Battle in this game!! Let's have a ball tonight! *points at random servant* Hey you! Let's buy a new suit ^^

Vietnam: National Smack The Dumbass Men.

M!Singapore: Name all the planets in the solar system after me right now. Ah, and call the Moon "Singapore Jr."

F!Laos: Let's dedicate an entire month to my birthday and get foods and drinks every night! Feast to everyone, even kitties!!

M!Malaysia: Everyone in the kingdom wants to kill me or f*ck me #tru

F!Timor: Tell the prince of (blank) Kingdom to f*ck off. I don't care about his trading policy.

M!Indonesia: I don't wanna go to the war! Can everyone just please be happy?! Look at how many kitties there are in my palace!!! :c

Randomness With Male! Indonesia BOOK IIWhere stories live. Discover now