Chapter 5

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After school I head to the library to print out my English paper. For the most part, its empty. Just about four or five people scattered.It's usually full on Mondays and Wednesdays, but I guess this Wednesday is different.

I walk over to the computers, and lay my stuff on the chair next to me. Once I've plugged in my flash drive, and have clicked print on the file, I take the small steps up to the printers.

"God damn!" a guy whisper yells as he leans over one of the printers. His back is to me, so I don't immediately recognize him, until he turns in a flustered state. He looks up at me, and instantly blushes.

It's Derek Mathews, Jade's brother, who's in my grade. The same Derek that Jordan happens to be friends with.

Before I can stop myself, I approach him and (I'm guessing) his printer dilemma. He stays standing there by the printer, which I can see is spewing out blank pieces of paper.

"Do you need help?"

He shakes his head, but looks back at the beeping printer, "Actually yah, kind of."

He steps aside, and I start pressing buttons to stop the beeping, and pile of papers collecting on the ground. When I'm done, I happen to look up at Derek, who's staring at me with...admiration?

His unfaltering gaze suddenly makes me self-conscious. Plus, no one is saying anything, and now I'm just staring back. After a couple of seconds, he also seems to realizes how weird this is, and turns his head away.

"Thanks, umm," He lifts his hand to scratch the back of his head, "Jasmine?" I know he's not really trying to reassure himself of my name. We've had classes together since middle school. He should know my name by now. Despite this fact, I still nod my head. And after a moment of silence, I start walking to the printer my stuff should be at.

That was so awkward. I'm never going to try to be a good person ever-

"Hey wait - "

And the awkwardness continues...

"Yah?" I turn back around to him still (nervously?) scratching.

"Can you help me print something out? I don't really know how to use these things." Of course, he doesn't. Why else would he call me back to help him?

"Sure." I say following him back to the computer he's situated at. 

"Thanks, my printer's out of ink at home, so I had to come here, but I've never used these," Derek explains as I send the file to the printer I was using.

"Yah no problem." I walk up the tiny stairs again, and he follows behind awkwardly, as expected. I give him his papers, and take mine from underneath.

"Is that the English paper due tomorrow for Howard's class?" He asks out of nowhere. I don't know if to call him nosy for that, or compliment him on his impeccable eye sight considering the size twelve font I used.

"Uh yah. Have you started?" So lame Jasmine, so lame.

"Not yet, I've had football practice all week," He replies. I forgot he played football, but hey he's Jade's brother, why wouldn't he? Isn't it like against the code of popularity if you don't? Stereotypical I know, but prove me wrong.

"The season hasn't ended, so Coach wants us to keep practicing," Derek says with a smile at the end. I smile back, and he continues to stare, which causes me to shift on one leg. Maybe he notices, because he rolls his paper up, and says, "Well, thanks again. See you around, I guess."

"Yah, sure." Is that all you know how to say Jasmine!? Use your English!

Derek turns, and goes back to his things. He waves back at me, so I give him a half smile. Who knew both the Mathews kids could make me feel uncomfortable. Damn, what a time to be alive.

Picking up my stuff from my seat, I make my way out of the library. I see Derek still at the computers with his phone now in his hand. He looks up like he knows my eyes are on him, and smiles at me, showing off his nice set of teeth.

As I reach out for the handle of the door, someone else grabs it to enter.

Jordan Brigerio.

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