Chapter 51

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I'm breathing hard as I rush around in circles looking for Derek because my phone is dead and I can't get a hold of anyone. I almost get run over by a car backing out of the drive way as I look for him in the parking lot but manage to survive with just a scare.

I reach the spot where my car is parked and find Hailey leaning against it.

"Hailey?" I say out of air.

"Oh my god Jasmine!" She yells out and rushes over to me.

"Hey sorry I'll take you home right now I just need to find- "I rush out.

"Cole is back."

I forget the rest of my sentence momentarily as I comprehend what she is telling me.


"Yah," she nods and maybe everything is coming back to her because even in the dim lighting I can see her eyes beginning to get glossy. It's been an emotional couple of months this year for her, and she was already in a better state since Cole had left. Now he was back.

"What do you want to do?" I ask her concerned.

"I want to talk to him," she replies.

"Are you sure?"

"I don't want to get back to him, I just need to know where he went and why he left me," she tells me and I don't know if to stop her or not. I'm just afraid she'll start to feel things for him again once she sees him.

"Where is he right now?"

"I heard one of the seniors say he's catching up with some people by the front of the school."

Ultimately what she decides to do is up to her even if I'm scared for her. I trust her when she says she just wants answers, but hearts can be a tricky thing.

"Do what you need to do," I encourage and she hugs me before walking towards the entrance of the school which should take her about five minutes or so.

I don't know how long it will take her to get back but I decide to sit inside my car and use my portable charger so my phone isn't dead. Once on, I see there's a message from Derek asking me where I was so instead of texting I decide to call him.

He picks up immediately and says, "Hey Jasmine I was waiting for you but my dad needed me home."

At least he wasn't ditching me for a celebratory party or anything.

"Um it's okay I'm still at school waiting for Hailey."

"Will you be home soon?" When he says this, I can't help but feel something in the pit of my stomach. I wish he was here still so I could go to him.

"Derek, Cole is back."

Way to ruin a potential cute moment.

"Cole is back? Is Hailey okay?" God this boy even cares about my friends. How sweet can he be?

"I'm not sure. She went to go talk to him."

"Is that a good idea?"

"I won't know until she's back."

There's a pause and I can hear someone on the other side talking to him. I hear him say goodbye and slam a car door.

"Sorry I just got dropped off."

"It's okay um I'll text you later?"

"How about I see you later? Call me when you're home? I mean if you want to?"

"Of course, I want to. I'll call you," I say with a smile on my face.

"See you Jasmine," he replies and I think I can assume he's smiling too.

We end our call and I lay my head back against the headrest. I stare at the radio's car in anticipation for when I can drop Hailey off and see Derek. At the same time I sit in anxiety for what Hailey will tell me when she gets back.

After about twenty minutes I hear a knock on my window and lower it when I see it Hailey.

"Ready to go home?" I ask her and with a small smile she nods so I unlock the passenger door so we can get away from here.

She buckles herself up and I head towards the exit. I try to come up with how to ask her about what Cole said but then she comes right out to say it.

"He felt guilty," she starts, "so he left looking for professional help. That's where he's been."

"So why isn't here there right now? He couldn't possibly be clean this fast?" I ask as we approach a red light.

"He hasn't started the program yet. He's been thinking it over and he's decided that he's going to do it. He came back to tell his parents in person."

"Is that it?"

"He also came back for me."

"He better not think you're going to get back with him! I mean you wouldn't, right? Please tell me you didn't feel anything for him?" I say exasperated.

"No Jasmine we're not getting back together. What I mean is that he came back to apologize to me. He's saying goodbye to some of his friends right now. He didn't know I was going to be here, but he was going to go to my house and visit me to talk in person. Me being here made that conversation quicker than he expected, but now it's over."

"Your mom would have killed him if he showed up at your house."

She chuckles, "Yah." The sound of her laugh begins to lift tension in the air.

"How do you feel?"

"Relieved," she confesses and I see her eyes fill up with tears that finally fall. "I feel like I can breathe again as cheesy as that sounds."

"I can't tell you how relieved I am too." I say reaching over to hold her wrist in comfort.

"I don't need no program to help me. I quit drugs. It's not worth waking up thinking you're dead Jasmine. It's not." The tears keep coming out as she tries to wipe them away with her free hand. I know they are not sad tears though, so I don't tell her to stop. She needs this moment for herself.

"That's the best thing I've heard all year," I smile and she pats my hand.

"Green light," she says as the light changes and I make a left instead of a right to take her home.

"Where are we going?" She asks me.

"Somewhere we haven't been to in a long time."

Soon enough the sign of "Tina's" lights up and I know I've made the right decision when I glance at the smile on Hailey's face.

"Chili cheese fries?" She asks.

"I think we deserve extra cheese and maybe some milkshakes."


Once inside I send Derek a message that I won't be home anytime soon because my friend needs me. He quickly replies back a goodnight, telling me he'll see me in the morning.

A fry hits me in the head and I look up to see Hailey laughing.

"Who you talking to?"

"Take a guess." I say putting my phone down and scooping up some fries.

"Easy, Derek."

Now I throw a fry at her but she dodges it.

"Have yall said the three magical words yet?" She teases.

"Oh 'I love food'? No, we're not that serious yet," I say and flick some beans at her with my fork which make it onto her nose.

"Doesn't matter I guess. You can just tell with you guys," she says this casually.


"You guys just always seem to find each other again."

I can't help my stomach from filling up with the good type of nerves, because I'm lucky enough to have a boy that keeps coming back to me.

She Gets What She Wants [Watty's 2016-2018]Where stories live. Discover now