Chapter 12

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A/N Please vote and comment:) It helps extremely. Enjoy the chapter:p

The four of us make our way through the crowd until we're engulfed by sweaty bodies dancing to music from speakers set up in the patio. From the amount of teenagers here you would think this was some elite party. I guess in a way it is, and maybe that's why I don't feel like I belong.

"Ayyyyyyy!" Cameron goes off to hang out with his friends, which leaves us girls alone but not for long.

"I'm going to go find my girls, but you guys enjoy yourselves!" Jade says waving, and then disappears farther into the jungle of teens.

"Wait!" Jade not being here is not going to help me. Besides that, I still can't tell Hailey. She'd probably say I shouldn't be here, and that Jordan wasn't worth all this. First, I would actually have to tell her about Jordan.

I think I'm about to start hyperventilating.

"So why exactly are we here?" Hailey asks casually looking around at the decorations that hang from small trees, and bushed. The night is cold, and I'm really regretting not fighting harder to convince Jade in dressing me in a sweater. Even if it was a sparkly one.

"We've been invited?" Okay so kind of, not exactly. Well by Jade at least. I wouldn't be here at all if it weren't for her plus one-ing me, and me plus one-ing Hailey.

"Really?" Hailey says rising her eyebrow. I know she knows there's more to it than that, but she's nice enough to not hound me about what's really going on.

"Let's go find the food. I didn't get a chance to eat after leaving the restaurant," Hailey suggests and starts walking up the brick steps to the back of the house. I follow her looking back, but not spotting Jade. I'd feel more betrayed, but it's not like I really expected her to stay with me. That's what I've got Hailey for, emotional support. Even if she doesn't know it.

Back in the house, someone is nice enough to point out where the snacks and refreshments should be. The problem is there's a bunch of guys hoarding the tables, and apparently the music is too loud for them to hear us ask for some room.

"Jerks," Hailey mumbles.

"We could wait?" I say.

"Or I could starve!" Gosh Jasmine you're so insensitive.

"Yo! Guys move!" An approaching male voice yells out.

Let me introduce you to Cole Hights. Mr. Bad Boy himself from the look of his black leather jacket, and from his cool vibe. Yes, I'm judging too fast but I can't help myself. I've never actually met him, but I saw him once in my brother's old yearbook. He got "most likely to break all his bones," so I'm assuming he's a hardcore kind of guy.

The guys who were blocking our reach of the tables look back at Cole, and move along without complaint.

"Thanks," Hailey says staring at Cole with her shiny brown eyes. A look that could considered to be one of attraction.

"Sure," he nods looking back at her equally interested, "You guys enjoying the party?" He asks, throwing a short glance of acknowledgment my way.

"We just got here, but hey I'm Hailey," she says a little breathless. Damn, I think I just lost Hailey.

He turns to me, "Jasmine," I say.

"Are you guys Alyssa's friends?" He asks filling cups of soda to pass them to us.

"You gonna kick us out if we're not?" Hailey dares say, taking a cup from him. I take the other, and sip away.

"I wouldn't want you to miss my performance." He gives her a flirty grin. There are definitely pheromones in the air.

Okay, this is making me uncomfortable.

"I'm Cole by the way. I'm Alyssa's brother." I don't tell him I already know that, because that would be weird.

"Cool, so when exaclty are we going to get to hear you?" Hailey is truly interested. It's expected since she likes music. The instant connection to Cole makes sense, but I feel like I'm intruding on something private. I can't stand here watching this interaction.

I take a napkin from the table and fill it with chips. Hailey and Cole don't bat an eyelash at my movement. That's not going to stop me. I haven't eaten in five hours. Even though it was Hailey's idea to get food, it's evident she's completely forgotten about eating.

They're talking about bands, and how Cole came to start his band and so on. I need to get out of here. So much for emotional support.

"Umm, I'm gonna go for a little but I'll come find you okay?" Hailey nods, and Cole gives a distracted wave. They quickly go back to talking. I am quickly forgotten.

I wander around, looking for nothing. I came here tonight for Jordan, but I haven't seen him. Surprisingly I haven't seen Alyssa either. What if they're together? No, don't think that.

I eat the last chip on my napkin, and look over to where some guys are arm wrestling.

"Come on Jordan!" Looks like I've found them.

I squeeze myself through bodies until I'm almost in front of the gathered crowd, but it's enough. Alyssa is cheering on Jordan, whose face is contorted into one of determination. His bicep bulges as he tries to win. The competition? Derek.

 The competition? Derek

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