Chapter 32

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We're all laughing at the "Santa's favorite Ho" mug Jordan's received from Jeremiah whose fallen over from the look of shock Jordan's got on.

"Wait," Jer says between gasps, "there's more!"

Jordan doesn't move an inch, maybe afraid of what else could be hidden in the tissue of the bag.

"Come on man!" Some of the guys cheers. I get a feeling they know what else Jordan's getting.

Hesitantly, his hand goes for the kill and slowly pulls out something that starts a new fit among the dudes sat around.

Jordan's cheeks are tinged pink, and he clears his throat and shoves the object back in so fast I can't really register what it was.

"Wait what is that?" Jade scoots over and pulls the unique earmuffs that I hope Jordan won't grace his ears with.

"You guys are so immature!" Jade throws them at Jer, who ducks expertly, even with the tears of laughter probably impairing his eyesight.

The earmuffs are in the shape of boobs, and I'm thinking that would have been a smart gift for Gabe.

Gabe mocks Jade by grabbing them and swinging them above his head while wiggling his eyebrows. She scoffs.

"Next gift!"

The moment of truth.

Jordan shakes himself out of his state, and gets up to search for my gift inside in the red bag that's almost empty.

I can feel Alyssa's envious eyes linger on Jordan as he hands the box to me with an adoring smile.

I try not to rip the paper off so fast, I don't want to seem so eager. I've got to play it cool, act like this is no big deal.

My fantasy was always for my first gift from him to be an engagement ring or something after a long relationship as young adults.

Yes, that's such a desperate girl dream but imagination has no limits so mind yourself.

I also catch Jade nod her head in approval as my hands meet the fabric.

Realistically, I don't know what I expected. Maybe a bracelet or perfume at first? But the shape of the box had made me push aside those ideas.

I move the box to the side of the couch that isn't occupied by Jordan, and take in the gray sweatshirt with his team number and last name on the back.

"You can wear it when you come cheer me on," Jordan's white teeth appear as his smile widens.

"Oh, thanks it's really nice," I kiss him quickly on the cheek, but I don't know if I should feel disappointed or not.

Sure, he went out of his way to get me a custom sweatshirt, but all the other guys do that too for their girlfriends or moms.

Then again, he's choosing ME to wear it. And that's sweet, but for a Christmas gift?

With the intention of it being to cheer HIM on?

That's what girlfriends do Jasmine, stop being a whiny little ho. That mug should've been your gift instead.

It comes of sort of selfish.

Is this the sort of thing he'd get his old girlfriend?

She's old news, but I can't help but wonder if I'm not as good enough as to get a more meaningful present.

"That's so cute." At least matching sweater girls are gushing.

I try to seem super excited, and Jordan doesn't seem to doubt it.

You can hear Alyssa fuming on her chair as she sits acting over interested in her phone.

"Okay, Jasmine your turn."

I set aside the sweatshirt and hand Gabe what I've bought him.

Gabe isn't so subtle, and the movie title comes into view.


"Ain't that the one with the boobs flashing every ten minutes?"

Almost, and that's why I thought it would be right up Gabe's alley.

"I'll treasure this forever Jasmine," Gabe gives me a creepy smile, and I nod quickly and avert my eyes elsewhere.

As more comments about the movie fly around the room, Jordan nudges my shoulder.

"Come with me," so we stand up and move away.

"Where are you guys going?! We're not done yet!" Jade complains.

"Give them some space Jade," Cameron luckily intervenes.

"Hurry up then!" she huffs planting herself back down, as Cameron offers her a marshmallow.

We fly up the stairs, and I'm pulled into the bathroom.

"Umm, why are we in here?"

If this boy has some weird fetish....

"Sorry, I know it's not the best place for this but where else are we going to get some privacy, you know?"

Makes sense I guess?

"Anyway uhh.."He digs out the little green stuff I saw earlier.


"Here it is." He stands straight in front of me and dangles the little plant between us.

I look up at his strong face, wondering if he likes my face as much as I like his. Maybe not as much, but like it at all is more than nothing.

Does he see in my eyes what I see in his?

Can he really go from not seeing me at all to being right in front of me with mistletoe meant for us?

"You wanna be my girlfriend maybe?"

Holy @$#%^#&*!

Answer him you mute!



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