Chapter 50

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I don't want to confront him. I don't want to be the kind of girl that makes a scene, but I guess that might not be up to me.


I don't want to question what I saw because I know what I saw.


Listen to him!


I keep walking. Maybe towards the restrooms to hide. Maybe towards my car, but I can't leave. Hailey needs a ride home. I couldn't leave her here.

As the crowd of leaving people swallows me I think I'm able to lose him. I don't know if that also means I've lost him in the sense that he's now Alyssa's. Or maybe he always was. Maybe Jade was right after all? I've known him only a short while, but not all his life like she has.

He's a good guy! You can't trust Jade! There must be an explanation!

Do I even want to hear it?

I stop.

I turn.

It takes seconds for me to see his face, worry etched deeply in the lines on his forehead.


My mouth is dry, so I simply nod. I make myself willing to hear what he wants to say. If I don't this could lead to a lot more awkwardness afterwards. I might try to create space between us after I leave. Maybe he'd call me and I wouldn't respond. Might as well deal with this now rather than avoid my problems.

"She kissed me and I don't know how to make you believe me," he says breathlessly.

"Did you kiss her back?" I ask even though I saw and he know that I did. It kind of looked like he had kissed her.

"I just let her kiss me. I honestly didn't know she was going to do that."

I stare at him, and I think about how it's like the universe keeps placing obstacles to prevent us from just being together. It's frustrating, but only if I let it be.

I believe him. I do. But-

"Jade said that you and Alyssa...that you and Alyssa have something?"

"My sister Jade," he opens his eyes and lets out a breath. He looks up and shakes his head.

"As her brother I guess I have to love her, but Jade doesn't know how to control what comes out of her mouth," he tells me.

You got that right.

"Was there ever anything?" I dare ask.

"Never," he says seriously.

Why would Jade lie? What game was she playing with all this manipulation I had gotten involved in? What was the point?

Alyssa wasn't with Jordan. They didn't even seem in the stages of getting together, so why was Jade still trying to push me onto Jordan and away from Derek? What was the point of any of this anymore? I just couldn't figure it out.

"I trust you."

He lets out a loud breath and cups the back of his neck with his hands. He faces away from me for a second and then faces back towards me.

"I'll be right back," I say, and look around trying to spot the bitch that got me into this mess.


I almost give up after I've searched the field, and the restroom stalls where the rest of the cheerleaders are deciding where they want to eat while reapplying lip gloss, and the parking lot.

She Gets What She Wants [Watty's 2016-2018]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu