20- Step Two: Prince learns to cook

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Theo's POV

We wound our way down these steps until we reached the servants quarters.

"All you need to do is go up to her and explain. Be brutally honest, Ilene respects that. And don't be an idiot, Ilene cannot tolerate stupidity, unless it's from Rose as she is quite stupid." James explained.
"You speak too freely around me. You do realise you just spoke ill of Rose, and suggested that I, Prince Adrian, could possibly be an idiot." I informed and he laughed. This man always laughed at me, it was as if he treated me with no respect. I suppose he thought the idea that a prince needed help from him quite amusing.

Or perhaps, that is how all servants behave. I have never actually talked to one properly before, as I was always taught they were below me.

I stared at him, a blank expression plastering my face as I was deeply confused as to why he was laughing.
"You don't really have a sense of humour, do you?" James spoke. "You need to lighten up a little."
"Perhaps." I replied.

We walked into the kitchens and Ilene stood with her back facing towards us, working hard at the stoves.
"James, you're late for breakfast again."
"I know, I know. Sorry Ilene, won't happen again." He laughed and so did she.
"If I got a coin for erry time I 'eard that, I'd be richer than the king 'imself!"

"But I was late this time for good reason, I had to help out the Prince with something. He wants your help too." He mumbled quickly and she turned around, furious.
"The Prince... Wants... My help?" She questioned, her tone threatening.
Her eyes soon gazed over to me and I smiled awkwardly.
"Hello, Ilene."

"Oh, hey Theo, I ain't seen you in a long while." She smiled, her eyes calm until she took in my finery.
"Why you dressed up all fancy 'n' stuff?" She questioned.
"Ilene... I'm really sorry, but I lied to you. I'm not a stableboy, I'm the Prince." I admitted guiltily, squinting my eyes and expecting a blow right across my cheek.

To my surprise, instead, she fell to the floor. "My lord, your highness, forgive me for my 'arsh words towards you last time you were 'ere. Please don't have me thrown in the dungeons, I'm a good woman." She begged and I felt horribly bad. I leant down and helped her up.

"Ilene, I think no ill of you, as you did not know it was me. I apologise greatly for lying to you."
"So, you're not gonna fire me?"

"Of course not."

"You're not gonna behead me?"

"Of course not"

She sighed with relief and stood up.

"But I do need your help." I stated, before explaining that I wanted her to teach me how to cook.
"Teach you 'ow to cook?" She stared at me in disbelief. "What for?"
"I need to learn how to do things for myself." I stated and she burst into outrageous laughter.
"You? The future king? Learnin' to cook? I don't believe you. Tell me the truth."
"There is a girl..." I began, sighing as I prepared to tell my story.
She held up a hand signalling for me to stop before explaining that she knew it must have been a girl as she saw the way I looked at Rose.

"But I didn't say the girl was Rose." I replied, confused.
She just smirked and turned around to continue kneading some sticky mixture that James later explained to me was called "dough".

*2 hours later*

Rose' POV

I woke up right as Catherine walked in with a tray containing my breakfast. My stomach immediately grumbled and I leapt out of bed and over to the table.

"Good Morning Catherine, have a good sleep?" I asked cheerfully.

Today was Sunday, meaning there were no parties, fancy lunches or outings, as it was the day of rest and we only have to attend church. The lack of gatherings meant a number of things. No Helena, no tedious court gossip, no stiff ball gowns and most importantly... No Theo.

"It's hard to sleep well when you're next to a wailing, crying Jane all night because she discovered James' affair with Margaret." She grumbled, pulling her delicate hand to mouth as she collapsed into a yawn.

"He was having an affair with Margaret?" I questioned, taking a bite of toast. "I thought it was with Annabelle."

"Yes, her too."

Conversation continued as I munched on my breakfast. Toast with marmalade and raspberry preserves, fresh berries, oatmeal and a tall glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. Delicious.

There was a knock at the door and I walked over to open it, only to find it was a particular someone whom just happened to make Catherine blush.

"Excuse me, your ladyship. Begging your pardon, but Miss Catherine is needed downstairs, if it would be possible if I could borrow her?" He questioned, falling into a deep bow.

"Honey, you can tell me the truth. You want to skip work for the day and spend it with her." I laughed and his face turned a deep shade of crimson red.

"Go on, Catherine, you can have the day off. I'll cover for you. Have fun... But not too much fun!" I winked at her and her cheeks changed colours to match that of the boy standing at the door.

I giggled and dragged her out of the room, smirking and shutting the door, leaving the two lovebirds to have a great day.


I hummed a tune as I made my way downstairs to have a chat with Ilene. Entering the kitchen I looked over to see James, Ilene and.... Theo?

Why on earth is he down in the kitchens, laughing and conversing with Ilene and James as if they were best friends?

I turned around, shocked and pleasantly surprised. He was talking to servants? He was actually cooking a meal?

I made a mental note to myself to remind me to ask James about what Theo was doing down there, and then I left the kitchens and ran back up to my room.

To Be A Princess (court life)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ