Chapter 2

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Kai estimated it to be around midnight.  His head was pounding.  His stomach twisted painfully, making him nauseous.  He discarded his T and toppled onto the low bed, too exhausted to finish undressing further.  Blood rolled thickly through his tired body, the quicksilver stream slowly taking over his body, cell by cell.  They needed to stop starving him.  Now.

He rolled over to his side, willing himself to concentrate on something other than that.  It had been a week since Sofia had been here.  A long, monotonous week of taking a beating with smoldering steel rods and being knocked around with cannonballs.  Darrius had begged him to cooperate, which he hadn’t.  His usual threats had turned into action, and that was why he was in his current state, making it ten days altogether without sustenance.  They were pushing it too far this time. 

He was tired of the testing, tired of being forced to endure their brutality.   

Forced, by order of The Guardians.  And he could not retaliate.

And after everything he’d done since the day he was born, he had no choice but to comply.  Submission was the only way they could control him.

He could smell a drop of perspiration a mile away, hear the slightest of whispers at almost the same distance, run faster than a speeding bullet, destroy with his bare hands, and heal at an alarming rate.  He’d never aged older than twenty.  And having been this way for almost 400 years, he’d seen it all.  His body was designed to survive.  He was practically indestructible.  To think that he was in this position because of his own people!  Even they weren’t sure what to call him, outcast that he was. 

Doctor D must be rolling in millions by now.  His people paid very well.  What perplexed them over the years was that anything DNA related would leave not a trace of him when tested.  Like magic, all their equipment would come up blank.  Error.  Unknown data.  Unable to identify specimen.

Unlike the rest of them back home, his body protected his secrets. 

Scans and x-rays held no answers for them either.  He healed instantly from all their stupid attempts to cause injury, just to test a theory.  They should be thankful that he would not bleed for them.  His blood itself was deadly.  Their attacks with weapons hurt like hell, but they didn’t damage him in any way.  They just tore through muscles and tendons and healed before he bled.

He had a high pain threshold, he could deal.  But lately, those tests had turned ridiculous.   Even the laser beams surrounding his cages were potent enough to cut through steel.  They were made that way after his first few escape attempts.  They wouldn’t go near him with a ten foot pole.  He had to go from his usual big cage to a cramped little one made the same way.  Then they would transfer him to the simulation room where the experiments would be conducted.  They wisely kept it to the bare minimum, reinforced glass.  The room was so damn small that they would never miss their target no matter where they fired.  And The Guardians had voiced their request before they turned him in, knowing that no one could go against the elders. 

One week.  That’s what they had asked of him.  If he had known that a year later he’d still be here in this facility, he would have never agreed to it.  Now he was trapped.   Like an animal.  The more he fought, the further freedom slipped away from him.  They would never find the answers they searched for because they only saw the impossible.  And in his case, the impossible was a reality.  He could not help the way he was.  An abnormality, anomaly, oddity.  Something his people feared.  Everything about him since the day he was born was unnatural.       

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