Chapter 6

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Hey guys.  Seeing as I wasn't really satisfied with the ending of the last chapter, I added a little bit to the end.  Please read that before proceeding with this one.  Don't forget to vote and comment after you read.  I'm still waiting (patiently :P) for your feedback.  To those of you who did vote and comment, thanx a gazillion!!

Special thanx to Tina :)  This one's all yours my friend :D 

Chapter 6

Streaks of sunlight danced across the room.  Enjoying the gentle warmth daylight brought, Kai opened his eyes and listened.  Inside, the house was quiet.  He pulled on his boots, padded softly to the balcony and let the sun fully bathe him.  Sounds of life, the whispering of trees, and the scent of nature flooded through his senses all at once.  A bear cub roared playfully as it rolled over, crushing fallen leaves on his little back.  His eyes followed the direction of the activity, a small smile playing on his lips as he caught the small family lumbering alongside a glittering lake in the distance.  Without thinking, he sprung over the rail and landed gently on the damp earth.  Instantly, his body trembled with excitement.  He closed his eyes and let instinct lead him forward.       

Sofia gasped at the quivering in her belly.  It pulled her from sleep, bringing her to instant alert.  Her senses sharpened.  Anticipation built inside of her, like a child about to open a present.  What was that feeling?

Her mark burned, probably from the distance between her and Kai.  She whimpered as the invisible thread tugged insistently, telling her that he was getting further from her.  In seconds, she was at the window.  Her breath caught in her throat.  Kai ran slowly toward the forest.  Or was it because of her heightened senses that she saw him so clearly?  She couldn’t be sure.  His movement was fluid, each stride bringing stark definition to every perfectly taut muscle.  His dark hair rose and fell in time with his steps, reminding her of a wild stallion.  His smooth olive skin glistened in the morning sun as he crouched low mid stride and launched himself into the air.  She’d never seen anything like it before.  His body twisted gracefully as he whipped past a tree, before landing in a perch on the branch of another.  He was so silent and quick, that even the two birds next to him hadn’t noticed yet.  He looked totally relaxed in his pose, his eyes scanning his surroundings until they fell on her.  Even from the distance, heat pooled in her middle at the sheer intensity of it.  As if the pull was too strong, her body reacted on its own, and moments later, she found herself looking up at him from below.  He tossed her a wicked grin, before leaping from his spot, to the branch on the next tree.  A low growl of approval rumbled in her chest while she followed from the ground, mesmerized by his every move as they made their way towards the lake.  She came to a halt as he swung off the last branch and landed on the balls of his feet before her.  Slowly he straightened up, his smile wide and happy, his breath slow and steady, the double tap echoing in his chest like a beating drum.   Wind ruffled hair hung carelessly over his forehead, but the look of pure delight on his handsome face was breathtaking.          

“Good morning.”  Was all she could get past her lips. 

“It is now.”  His voice was husky as he stared at those lips before his eyes traveled the length of her.  She felt a blush creep over her at his slow perusal.  Suddenly, she wished she had taken the time to put on some pants, or at least brush her hair.  Her hair was probably a limp mass of curls, her sleeping shorts and tank top didn’t offer much cover.  Her mark sizzled, as did his.  He sucked in a breath and let it out in a hiss.

“About the mark....”  He began gently.

“I know.  You don’t want to be bonded with me.”  She broke in quickly looking away.

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