Chapter 8

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She twisted her fiery red hair into a loose braid and threw it over her shoulder letting it fall swinging at her waist as she sauntered over to the antique dresser.  There she picked up a small dagger and checked the blade before tucking it into the sheath.  She attached it to the wide belt over her short black skirt, straightened the fitted white shirt she wore and pulled her long sleeves down to cover the bracelets on her wrists.  Then she put on a pair of stiletto ankle boots, lifted one long elegant leg onto a chair while she ran the zipper up slowly, continuing to run her fingers over her sheer black tights stopping sensually at her thigh, and stood up tall.   Satisfied with her attire after glancing at a mirror, she snapped her fingers to put out the lights, warded the doors and windows and moved to the centre of her room.  It never hurt to be safe. 

She closed her pale green eyes and chanted under her breath until she felt a dizzying sensation rush through her.  Moments later, she was outside her older sister’s home, an enormous stone castle which sat alone in a valley between the majestic Witch Mountains.  The crisp evening breeze made her shiver with delight.  They usually met there once a week just to catch up, but the way things were going lately, she might as well have moved in.  Dinner with her sisters would end badly tonight.  Being a witch had always been exciting, but being partly psychic wasn’t.  The last fortnight had been a busy one for them.  She’d gotten a presage last week, a glimpse into the future.  Her youngest sister Olesia had the first one, followed by Lilura.    They were expecting bad news.  Olesia had foreseen a serious disagreement among the Crimson Guardians, and Lilura, a war between the races.  She’d seen something far more disturbing.  But she wasn’t going to say anything about it just yet.  These things changed so quickly.  Futures were never certain.  Using the dagger at her side to draw blood from her palm, she waited a few seconds watching it pool into her hand.  Then she let it drip onto the rune at her feet.  A door appeared.  It shimmered like a reflection in a puddle and then opened, allowing her entrance.  She tucked the dagger away and blew on her hand.  The cut sealed instantly and the small river of blood disappeared into her flesh once again.  Inside, a warm fire crackled heartily.  Her sisters, who were exact replicas of hers, sat comfortably in front of it.  One was perched on the couch and the other, curled on the floor.  They smiled a greeting, not waiting for her to join them as they continued with their conversation.  Lilura patted the seat next to her and Medea plopped down unceremoniously, huffing as she did so.  Olesia laughed, a tinkling sound that carried pleasantly, making her smile in response.

“Busy day?” 

“I had to prepare something strong for Mahi again.  You know, the girl on the second floor?”  She waited for their nods of agreement and chuckled.

“She still thinks you’re a homeopath?”  Lilura laughed.

“Yep.  Since the day I saved her hair from falling out after the chemical in the dye turned it to straw.”

“What did she do this time?” 

“She got a really bad allergy breakout from some fake tanning lotion and turned orange and red all over.  Not a very good combination with her future in-laws coming by tomorrow. ”

“You made her skunk bath, didn’t you?”  She laughed.

“Not as stinky, but definitely as effective.”  She giggled.  “Clean up was a bummer though.  And I don’t have to tell you how hard it is to get that smell out of your hands.”

“You did a good job.  I wouldn’t have guessed if you didn’t tell us.”

“Yes you would.”  Medea grinned, knowing they could easily sift through her day and know everything. 

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