Chapter 16

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                             asked for it ;P  Don't hate me for what I did here.... (*runs and hides*)....Read, vote, comment (LOL) Lemme know what you think :D  Oh, and I didn't edit, so please mind the errors ;)  Thanx awesome people for all the support. Xxx 


"Do you know how much I want to kill sink my teeth into you?"  His grip tightened around her slender wrists, keeping her back to his chest and wrapping her arms around her upper body like an embrace.  He inhaled deeply, holding her firmly in place as she struggled against him.  Leaping high and fast, he shot upwards like a bullet, leaving the side of the road without being seen, and landing silently on the rooftop of a building.  He jumped over the low wall, balancing precariously as his feet made contact with the thin ledge, leaving hers still dangling off the edge.  She stopped moving, aware now that she had no escape from the merciless man who held her.  Traffic continued to disperse oblivious to the helpless woman hanging off the lonely rooftop, oblivious to her silent tears as they streamed steadily down her heart shaped face in small rivulets...His nostrils flared at the tantalizing scent of fear that wafted around her like a powerful pheromone.

"I'm going to take my time to enjoy this delectable essence you so thoughtfully produced, and drain you slowly...painfully...ah, the anticipation..."  His hand followed the petite contours of her body, stopping at her pounding heart before slowly skimming up to her neck and through her hair.  He fisted a handful and yanked her head back roughly.  She whimpered, already knowing that it would do her no good to scream, no good to move.  A cold blast of air of air blew her skirt up and around her thighs, adding to the goose bumps that were already dotting her skin.  He angled himself, letting her high heels rest on the narrow platform as he pressed his body eagerly to hers while perfectly balancing them both.  His teeth slid out wetly as he twisted her head back and lowered his mouth to hers, drawing blood as he kissed her crudely.  He could taste her panic, smell her distress, and it spurred him on.  The vice grip around her chin forced her face away from his, his tongue trailing the side of her mouth, dancing sensually into her arched neck, until like a blade to silk, he found his mark.  

He didn't draw in her essence gently, but neither did he make a mess as he fed greedily from his nameless victim.  Her choked sobs were quickly cut off by his palm over her mouth.  He felt a tide of despair wash through her and reveled in it.  All the issues of the last few weeks faded into nothing.  He didn't want to think about missing beasts, and self righteous Witches, nor did he want to remember his upcoming meeting that would have him holding his breath around those stupid, stinking Shifters.  He feasted to his hearts content, and when he was done, he threw back his head and roared, releasing his prey.  The lifeless woman toppled from the tip of the high rise building like a rag doll.  He jumped across to another rooftop just in time to hear her hit the street below with a bone crunching thud amidst the sound of blaring horns and screeching tires that rang out like a symphony in his ears.  Landing with his knees bent, he stilled, and then dropped to all fours.  Well satiated, and with his head spinning from the drug in his system, he pulled himself upright and grinned.  Nobody would see the pinprick punctures now that she was bleeding out on the street.  His pupils dilated with lust and satisfaction as he retracted his teeth and growled low in his chest.  He took the elevator down and rounded the corner slowly, enjoying the stunned faces of the growing crowd on the side of the busy street.    

Almost drunkenly, he knocked into a few curious onlookers who didn't hesitate to swear and curse at him.  A short wiry guy from the lot even went so far as to shove him away from them, but he ignored him, too caught up in the tingling sensations that rippled through him.  His mind was running high from the tainted essence, but more so from the rush of feeling the life drain out of the stranger as he fed.  No wonder his father loved this.  They thought it was an accident.  He'd seen the man's face when he did it, seen him enjoy it...more than once.  One simple word came to mind...Euphoria.   He giggled uncharacteristically and slapped a hand over his mouth as he slipped into a dark alley.  The sane part of his brain reminded him that he was a Guardian.  That he could not afford to be seen like this.  He stumbled across a few rubbish heaps noisily and sank down behind a dustbin, waiting for the heady feeling to pass.  This wasn't the first time he'd fed off a human, but it was the first time he'd tried essence this way, and already he wanted more.  His beast hummed with pleasure.  How easily his plan had come together.  Blame it on the tainted...blame it on the girl.  Her parents will reveal themselves to save her from the wrath of the Guardians, and she would come forth to do the same for them.  It was simpler than he thought to stir up trouble and mix the truths seeing as the Witches had blind spots in their visions, but he'd need a much higher body count for this to work.  He sighed, just thinking about how much he enjoyed his meal tonight.  His body begged for a repeat, but his displaced mind echoed with a thought...If he was right with his theories, and she was the mate...If she came out in the open, their beast would follow behind her, and if Kai were to come before him again, the little defect would live to regret disobeying him, or beg for death...   

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