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Ok, here's the second one :D  We know we left Hugo at the end searching for his mate...Here's what happened ;)  All the Hugo fans out there, this one's for you :D

Hope you enjoy it.  Vote and comment please.  We're all eager to hear your thoughts Xxx



“I’m leaving.” 

The duffel bag at his feet lay there, stone dead where he dropped it, as was the face of his Alpha, before it turned incredulous.

“What!  What?  Tell me you’re kidding.” 

Hugo shook his head, smiling grimly.  “I have to.”  He didn’t have to say anything else to him, but he had to explain for Selene, who was watching the scene unfold with tears in her eyes.  They’d been having this roundabout conversation for a while now.  And besides, Locke already knew.  Their mind link was too obvious sometimes, as was the bond of brotherhood they shared.  His wolf had been pining for something no one here could give him. A mate.

They’d been through this before, him talking about finding his way in the world now that the Guardianship was no longer the way it was.   But he’d stayed.  And he’d grown more despondent as time went by.  He was sullen, sometimes depressed and sometimes quiet for days on end.  She wasn’t here.  Not in this community, not in this place…

They’d returned from a recent get together, and he’d felt like an outsider.  Given, there were a few singles out there, like Caleb and Ulrica, and Olesia.  Damien…he couldn’t be sure what to think of him.  Damned Neo found love twice, lost it twice and was still content the way he was now, enjoying his grandchild and his sons and daughters in law.  But every time he saw Kai with Sofia, it hurt.  When he watched Locke with Selene, it broke him a little more.  Nik and Medea making eyes at each other, Valentina…Heck even Hoyt and Yesinia, the unlikeliest of pairs, had made a life for themselves.  And they had a kid for crying out loud.  Together!

Not that he didn’t love these people with all his heart.  They were the family he’d grown into, strengthened from shared pain, and the battle that changed everything.  But accepting things as they were somehow didn’t do it for him anymore.  He’d done it before when he took over as Alpha for Locke.  And again when he’d handed the position back to him.  But that yearning, that struggle within him, to be something more than just a loyal Beta, to find her, had become too much.

“I have to do this.  I’ve been alone for centuries, Locke.  Centuries…”  He sighed, turning to Selene.  “I want more.  I want to see the world.  I want to find my mate.   And I know I won’t find that here.  Look at you guys.  You’re all happy with your other half, different, sometimes different species, but happy, you know?  I need to get out of here to find that too.  Besides,” He smirked at her.  “All the good ones are already taken.”

Locke nodded in understanding, placing one large hand on his shoulder, the look on his face showing his pain, but the strength of him as Alpha seeping through and filling him with hope.  “I won’t stop you brother, but this is your home.  Bring her back with you, you hear.”  He grinned at him, reminding Hugo that he’d always be welcomed, no matter what.

Hugo shook his head, turning to Selene.  “Make sure he behaves, huh.” 

She smiled warmly.  “Always, my friend.”  Her hand on his arm told him what she was thinking with ease.  And with the unspoken message came good wishes and love.  Gosh, he was gonna miss these guys.  Every damned one of them.  But he felt at peace now that he was finally able to do this.  He was leaving, alone, but hopefully he’d come back with company….

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