Chapter 39-Epilogue

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Hi guys...this is it.  the End of Forbidden Lineage.  I have tried my best to give closure to all the characters here, and I hope that you all enjoy this last bit as well.  Please vote and comment if you like it.  I wanna take a moment to thank you all, for laughing, crying, (hating in some cases) and lending me support and encouragement throughout this story...It's thanx to you that we have reached such heights.  So please, accept this dedication, cos it's for all of you :)

I had fun writing, and chatting with you guys, so please remember, that I appreciate every single one of you who have given me your time and patience throughout :D  Ps* Still not edited, and this is my eighth try :(

 For the last time, Happy reading :)   

Five years later…

Kai materialized on the bed just as Sofia stretched, her delectable body arching like a contented kitten. 

This was his second favorite part of the day, watching her wake up in the morning.

She purred, or was that a moan?  Either way, the sound made his body tighten with need, but he lay still, only allowing his eyes to follow her innocently seductive movements.

Inhaling deeply, she frowned and cracked open one eye, peeking at him.  He felt his lips turn up in a small smile.

“Morning love.”  He greeted, curling his fingers around her hand.

Sofia threw him a dimpled smile and lifted up on her elbow, twisting her hand in his to interlace their fingers.  Her sleepy tousled look was utterly enduring, but then again, Sofia always managed to steal his breath…every single time he saw her. 

“Morning...”  She looked over his shoulder frowning.  “I don’t smell any food.  You promised me breakfast in bed before the guests get here.” 

Kai chuckled inwardly, and she arched one delicate eyebrow when she heard him.  He quickly hid his thoughts, but there was mischief sparkling in his aqua eyes.

“I…thought we’d change the menu…maybe we could even eat…”  He grinned suggestively, running his free hand along her arm, raising goose bumps along the way.

“Eat what?”  Sofia’s lips twitched in amusement as she closed her eyes.  Then she sucked in a breath when she felt the cool morning breeze brush over her exposed flesh.

Kai dragged the sheets off slowly, crawling up over her to cover her body with his own.  She fell back against the pillows, her chocolate curls fanning out around her while he nibbled on her neck, her lips.


Smiling at her forgotten words, his tongue darted out and trailed down to her collarbone.

“Breakfast in bed…As promised."  Coming up again, he nipped at her earlobe, his nose scenting her as he made his way to her dimple.  His lips lingered there while his hands explored, and he grinned triumphantly as she writhed beneath him, begging him to take her higher…



The day was warm, afternoon sun shining brightly overhead while the sound of chatter and laughter filled the air.  Along with the relaxed atmosphere, was the smell of sizzling steaks and burgers that Kai and Nik that were grilling to mouthwatering perfection. 

Locke passed a bag of chips over to Shane and Hugo.  “Here.  We might as well start snacking while the women are whipping up a storm in the kitchen”. 

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