Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


He felt his teeth tear through his gums, the taste of mercury filling his mouth.  He swallowed the bitter substance, preferring to have it contained within him than allowing it to drift off into the ventilation system.  The silver thrummed through his veins like molten lava, making them stand out painfully.  His eyes flashed between black and silver as he tried to clear them.  The usual aqua was almost non existent.  Beads of sweat formed along his body as he scrunched himself into a tight ball, trying with all his might to slow down the process.  It was only a matter of minutes before the rise in his body temperature turned the quicksilver to clear liquid, thereby fully completing the change.  The silver momentarily receded when a small hand squeezed his shoulder.


He knew who that sweet voice belonged to, but he could not bring himself to believe it.  Another set of hands grabbed him, making him growl with anger.  He was in no mood for any more tests.  He’d kill the next person who touched him.

“Kai!  Snap out of it!”  The sweet voice whisper yelled at him, causing him to rethink his decision.  He opened his eyes slowly, silver sharpening his vision.  His senses roared, taking in everything at once. 

Sofia.  Another similar heartbeat close behind her.  The chilling heat that surrounded him. The taste of fear in the air.  Their essence…

She couldn’t be near him when he was like this.  She wouldn’t survive if he went Silver.  “You need to get away from me.”  He half groaned, trying to pull away from her. 

“Like hell!  What the hell have they done to you?  We’re getting you out of here.”  She told him angrily.

The tremors grew worse.  He could smell the iron in the blood that pumped through them.  His body craved it so badly.  He concentrated on keeping his mouth closed and his fangs intact.  The effort was draining.  He was too close to snapping. 

“Shane?  Let’s move!”  Sofia’s voice again.  His mind clicked in recognition, involuntarily focusing on the voice.  She’d brought someone with her to…help? 

He couldn’t remember ever having clarity in this state before.  Going Silver meant he had no control over his actions.  Even through the carnage he caused, no matter how hard he tried, he could never get his body to agree with his mind.  He was like two people fighting for dominance.   

Masculine arms wrapped around his wrists, jarring him out of his reverie.  Reflex kicked in, his body screaming to attack.  Then Sofia’s gentle fingers smoothed back his hair, completely relaxing him again.  This time he went with it.  For a second, he forgot what he was about to do.  He groaned, confused by his responses.  A whoosh of air rippled through him while the room spun maddeningly in a halo of gold, and then he was outside.  The stronger set of arms released him, but the smaller ones did not.  She continued to stroke back his hair, her cool hands like heaven on his burning skin. 

A different feeling of warmth seeped through his body, bringing with it a rush.  His bare back was on something achingly familiar.  Earth.  He dug his fingers into the soil, while the gentle moonlight caressed his skin.

He concentrated all his efforts on feeding his half starved body.  A soft white glow illuminated him as he continued to draw strength from the elements.  His breathing grew deeper, each thud of his heart forcing the silver to recede.  He kept his eyes closed, just savouring the feel of the essence.  For the first time in his long life, he’d fought the silver without the help of The Guardians.   

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