Chapter 7

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There were no leads in the glass cage that housed Kai, but his agitation rose when he detected the familiar scent that meant he was in transition when he left.  Anger built like a wave inside him, but he forced it to recede.  If Kai escaped before he went Silver and turned fully afterwards, they would have been able to track him by the destruction he was bound to cause.  Since there was none reported, he deduced that he either managed to reach an isolated spot, or there were no survivors.   He picked up a few random objects and inspected them before tossing them onto the bed, his face contemplative.  Nik finished talking with Darrius and joined him inside the room with a similar look on his face.  He had listened in on the mental link and already knew the outcome.  Darrius had answered everything that they asked under submission, but nothing informative had come off it.  Nik had eventually altered his memories to make him forget everything about them and Kai.  He’d dealt with the rest of the staff as well and asked them to destroy all the evidence they had collected over the last few months.  Things were being taken care of already.  For as long as they knew Kai, he’d shown no specific talents.  Usually they came in after the Crimson gene took over, but with him being the way he was, there were traits that they couldn’t quite understand.  Every now and then he’d do something out of the ordinary, but there was nothing concrete that they could follow up on.  Like the one day when he got ticked off with Caleb and threw him across the courtyard with his mind.  He’d never repeated the action, and they weren’t sure if it was because he was afraid of them, or if he really couldn’t do it again.  Even under submission, he would answer that he didn’t know how it happened.  There had been other little incidents like that over the years, so when Nik suggested that he teleported himself out of there, they had to accept the possibility that he actually may have.   And that in itself was a problem, because then there was no way of finding out where he went. 

He always knew that Kai would be a pain in their collective asses.  He never did like him.  Too bad the freak had decided to cross him now.  His idea had been to wait until Darrius found a way to destroy him, but since that failed, he’d have to do what he’d planned all along.  There was no way something like him should be allowed to live among them freely.  The second he harmed an innocent, he would be officially off the Witches protection list.  He’d been thinking about it for a long time, thinking of ways to make him err.  He knew that Yesinia would agree with him.  She always made her dislikes clear, and Kai was one of them.  But he wasn’t sure about the rest of the Guardians.  Ulrica and Caleb could go either way.  To them, duty came first.  It they felt that Kai was a threat, they’d do what they had to, otherwise they made sure that things always ran smoothly with the Crimson’s, like good little Guardians.  Valentina was once one of them, but still she had turned her back on them after the last fiasco.  He strongly believed that Kai needed to be locked away, starved until he turned, and then left without essence to bring him back afterwards.  He figured that if it didn’t kill him, it would at least be a painful enough of a torture until he decided to take his own life from the madness it was sure to bring.  What a waste of space and time.  Had they found the damned woman before he was born, there might have been a way to end him before he wreaked havoc on their turf.  Keeping his thoughts carefully to himself, he turned to Nik.  As much as he trusted him, he was always uncertain when it came to the man’s feelings towards Kai.  He was a lot like Valentina in that way.  Always worrying about him, trying to make him feel as though being what he was alright.  Humph!  It will never be alright!  He should be damned to hell!  That thing they named Kai did not have feelings worth arguing over.  It was time to call a meeting with the Guardians from all the races.  Already dreading the stench of the Spirit Shifters and the wrath of the Witches, he planned ahead with Nik.

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