Chapter 27

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Awesome bro!  Since it's MY birthday today, he decided to let me use his laptop to post this chapter :)  Thank you to all who have read, voted and commented on this story.  It drifts a bit in this chapter, but I hope it does not disappoint.  Carry on...go do what you do, and don't get mad at my little distraction from Kai and Sofia.  I didn't want to spill everything at once.  It's all about taking time to get there, and I will...Soon :D  Hope to have the next one up this weekend, so yay!  Since I can't give you all cake, you can have this Chapter instead :)  Eat it, don't weep :P  lmaO!!

Looking forward to your comments (good or bad)

PS*  Not edited in all my excitement.  So if you find anything off, please point it out :D Oh, and what yall think of this pic of Kai??  I'm thinking of adding the blood moon behind him ....Yes?  No?  Maybe?....


It was a struggle to sit still.  His blood coursed wildly throughout his body, but he forced himself to remain relaxed.  Greetings were exchanged, and the scene was set.  Before he knew it, it was time for him to say his piece.  He stood regally, feeling very much like a dark prince with all eyes on him.  'Keeping a clear head will see me through this', he reminded himself, as he took in all the Guardians and noted their reactions.  Usually most were impassive, some curious, some bored.   Today, everyone seemed to be paying attention, much to his surprise.  Even Locke was listening intently to him, not irate and ready to fight as he’d assumed he would be.  He continued, pleased with himself.

“…And he’s been missing since.  We haven’t seen or heard from him in all that time and although that was to be the main discussion for tonight, it is unfortunate that we have to talk to you about yet another issue at hand.  One that involves other Crimson.  We have a handle on it for the time being.”

“You’re talking about the recent murders?  Are those are not related to the missing ‘beast’?”  Locke asked coolly, even though he put slight emphasis on ‘beast’.

Dante’s eyes widened fractionally at his easy attitude.  “Yes and no in the order of your questions.”  He replied casually.  “And if any of you have queries regarding these issues, I, along with my fellow Guardians, will be glad to answer you.”  He made a grand show of including them with his elaborate hand gestures.

“Alright then.  Let me get this straight.”  Locke leaned forward in his seat and steepled his fingers, his face devoid of emotion.  “You have a runaway beast and a cold blooded murderer loose in the City.  Both your issues deal with Crimson, yet neither of them are linked.  And you have a handle on it…How?”  Locke spoke easily again. 

‘What was wrong with the man?’

Nik answered, much to his relief.  “Kai, as you all refer to as our ‘Beast’, has been missing, but hasn’t been causing any problems like he was expected to.  We have come across, what Dante assumes, are a set of killers who are brutally taking the lives of innocent humans.  Kai may be the original reason that we asked you here, but this new development takes precedence over everything else.”

Dante grit his teeth.  Nik had specified that it was his assumption, meaning that they were not on the same page as he was.  He knew trouble was coming.  Trying not to be too obvious as he fidgeted with gold thread on his sash, he warily eyed the Witches who seemed to be having some sort of internal conversation with each other.   

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