Chapter 21, Cell Buddies

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Chapter 20

Having to be dragged by both wolves towards this cave like structure; I had many opportunities to grab hold of the fur of the sandy wolf; tearing only small sections before the other wolf would pull me away.

Barking as I was dragged through the doorway, the scent of fear overwhelmed my sense and was eating away at me.

My eyes soon met large metal bars as I was dragged through a narrow walkway; wolves staring at me curiously in their human form as they watched me struggling.

My eyes meeting a wolf standing in the doorway, he seemed to focus on me more than anyone else, almost like he knew something.

Immediately I assumed he was a spy for Seth; how else would this guy seem to understand who I was as my struggling immediately changed and I bounded off the wall, lunging at the guy standing in the doorway.

The guy didn’t expect my hostility; his human form, darting out of the way as he slammed the cage like door behind him, getting out of the immediate area.

My wolf slammed against the door, my eyes only centimetres from his as I saw genuine fear in them, my growl making the smell of fear vapour from his form; immediately I regreted my actions, now realising he was just a young wolf, curious at most.

Having no time to ponder over the thought, a wolf’s teeth dug into my back, pulling from the door as I was thrown down the hallway, only to be grabbed and dragged into some cell.

The whole experience making me want to lash out at my captors.

A door slamming behind me as the wolf that was holding me quickly disappeared; I got to my feet, knowing there was no point trying to get out; if these cells were made to hold wolves, their bars were made from the strongest of metals.

The room falling silent as I simply slumped in the corner, my wolf blending into the bloody walls of the cell, I was stuck here now and supposedly telling them who I belonged to would help me get home.

The hours passed as the silence kept up; solid walls separating me from the other wolves locked in here, not that I’d want to see them.

My eyes focusing on the grungy appearance of my legs; I looked nothing like a Luna right now.

The only thing, I resembled right now was a rogue, lost in her own world; the claim being the only thing holding me to Cody’s pack.

I must have drifted off to sleep only minutes later as I woke sometime later, a pile of clothing in the corner when and if I chose to shift back and tell them what they wanted.

The same guy who I had tried to attack earlier was sitting near my door; his eyes occasionally sneaking a peak at me; his curiosity really wasn’t healthy for him.

The guy looked a couple of years younger than me, maybe only sixteen and very young for being a guard in a prison.

He was a fair height, short dark brown hair; his eyes a subtle hazel in colour, softened by his much tanned skin.

Catching me looking him over, the guy looked away, trying to focus on something else.  His face still half pointed in my direction, with his back leant against my cell; I mustn’t have been classed as a threat here.

Tilting my head up from my lap, the guy noticed this; his eyes darting quickly back to my form before he looked away again.

Curiosity now getting the better of me, I slowly crept over to this guy, his eyes not daring to look at me, obviously feeling my gaze on him.

My feet padding silently against the concrete, I came close enough that as I lifted my head nudged the guy with my nose, he jumped back against the opposite wall; his eyes now fixed on like he thought he had just avoided death.

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