|KSimon| Confession

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More KSimon. Deal with it. I felt like writing something along the lines of this, so... :3 this is just a short one tho. I'm trying to make these as long as possible

Simon bit at his bottom lip in frustration, pacing quietly outside of JJ's room. He ran a hand through his messy hair, drawing in a sharp breath. His hand hovered above the handle to JJ's room.

Simon was scared of rejection; terrified. He didn't know what he'd do if he lost JJ. But he couldn't take it anymore. He always had a thought that stuck in his mind, an annoying fly buzzing around in his head. He needed to let it out. "Fuck it."

Simon was instantly hit with a wave of nervousness as he came face-to-face with the love of his life. "Oh, hey Si." There it is, that nickname... Simon clenched his fists, blushing a little. "H-Hi," he stammered, plastering a fake grin on his face. Wow, real smooth.

JJ raised a brow. "Do you need something? I was just about to-"

"Jide, I need to tell you something." The words escaped from my mouth, a messy, scrambled sentence that I couldn't hold back. I grit my teeth. It's all or nothing. JJ looked concerned for a second. "O-Okay...Go ahead."

Simon heaved a sigh, an icy shiver traveling up his spine. "JJ, I..." His voice faltered. He heaved a frustrated and embarrassed sigh, turning away from JJ's puzzled and clueless expression. "I'm sorry," was all Simon could muster, before taking a step to go back to his room, to cower away like always.

That was when a warm hand grabbed his wrist, stopping him from leaving. Simon froze, turning back around. "Simon, don't go..." JJ murmured, his hand slipping downwards until it clasped around his. Their fingers intertwined automatically, causing Simon to blush profusely.

When he glanced at JJ's pleading eyes, he gave in. "Fine..." He muttered under his breath. At least they'd forgotten about what he was going to tell JJ. "Wait, w-what are you doing?..." Simon mumbled as the other boy locked the door behind him.

JJ suddenly turned, and with a swift movement, had Simon pinned to the wall, his hands on either side of the taller boy's head. "J-Jide?" Simon whispered. He felt a little uneasy as JJ stared at him. Love and adoration glimmered in his dark eyes.

JJ's hands snaked down the wall and made their way to cup Simon's face delicately. "Simon... Si," He breathed. Simon couldn't help but to feel a bit confused, when unexpectedly, JJ inched closer. Their breaths mixed. Then, before either of them knew it, their lips were pressed together in a warm, passionate kiss.

JJ smirked as Simon kissed him back. He wanted that moment to last forever, but it soon ended. "Jide..." Simon mumbled. He grabbed JJ's hands, which fit together perfectly like a puzzle piece. "I love you, JJ."

"I love you too, Simon."

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