|WroetoMD| Alcohol

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just wondering would any of you guys like to see me write a fanfiction? like a proper one bc no offence there aren't many great ksimon fics out there and i wanna make wattpad great again

jk but let me know! oh and - harry's drunk. i know he always is in my one shots but hey, i'm unoriginal. and unrealistic.


Oh look, Harry's drunk again. Twice in the last two days.

Those were the words that echoed throughout Chris' mind and it wouldn't go away. It was like Harry had something on his mind he had to get rid of and as everyone around him knew, drinking is his way of forgetting things. It worked. Kind of.

Chris finds himself gazing around the cramped club. He caught the slightest glimpse of Harry a second ago, but now he's disappeared; vanished into the crowd of drunken strangers. Admittedly, he was a little tipsy. Feeling deafened by the music blaring obnoxiously in the background, Chris began to make his way through the club, dark, with vibrant lights flashing across the walls.

Upon searching every inch of the loud and overcrowded room, Chris slipped into the bathroom with an exhausted sigh. At least in here it wasn't bustling and noisy. The music playing out there was so loud that the ground shook and quivered. Instead, the noise was muffled by thick graffiti-covered walls.

Chris' gaze flickered across the - rather unhygienic and each toilet was probably filled with vomit - and only just noticed Harry stood by a urinal. Doing something that isn't what you're meant to do at a urinal.

"Oh god, seriously Harry?" Chris scoffs in disgust, turning away awkwardly with a blush spreading across his face.

"W-What? I wasn't doing anything weird, I swear. Definitely not tou-"

"Okay, okay, stop right there please," Chris interrupts with a low-pitched groan. Harry lets out a slurred laugh and after the quick noise of a zip, Chris finally turns back and crosses his arms over his chest as he leans against the bathroom door.

Harry washes his hands in world record timing. "Are we going home now?" Chris says with a short sigh. Harry nods abruptly. "Yeah. Yeah, right now-"

Before Chris could even begin processing what happened, Harry staggers to the nearest stall and throws up - loudly. Chris grit his teeth and after Harry reappears, pale faced, messy matted brown hair.

"Right now," Chris mutters firmly, grabbing Harry by his wrist and dragging him out of the bathrooms, through the dancing, cheering throng of people and outside, where it was chilly and dark.


Chris was sat beside Harry's bed, glancing at him every so often just to ensure he wasn't about to puke. Harry was sound asleep, shrouded amongst his bedsheets.

Chris frowned, leaning back and without thinking, inched closer and gently caressed Harry's cheek. Blushing, Chris pulled himself away with an awkward scratch of his neck. He was about to stand up and leave before he did anything else weird, when he felt a warm hand on his.

Glancing up, Harry was grinning softly at him, light pink tinted against his cheeks. "Hey, Chris..." he murmurs quietly, his voice as gentle as a feather. "I think I..." he trails off and Chris stares at the other boy, hope glimmering in his eyes.

"I think I should thank you for staying sober earlier."


sorry this is pretty shit forgive me

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