|KSimon| Nightmares

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A/N: yes. i noticed that half of my chapters are KSimon now. got a problem? read my username.

All I could see was darkness. Only a thin, faint light from above me filtered the dusty area. I was puzzled, glancing left and right cautiously at the unfamiliar surroundings. There was a tense atmosphere in the cold air. Something wasn't right.

"JJ." I almost jumped at the voice. I couldn't recognise it. It was cold, deadly and dangerous. It had a threatening tone to it. I looked around more to locate the person who said my name. I noticed a tall, intimidating man dressed in all black ahead of me. His hoodie shadowed his face, making it almost impossible to see who was hiding under the pitch black shadows.

But that wasn't what I was focused on. His long, muscular arm tightly gripped at a struggling boy. The boy was Simon. A gun was held firmly to the side of his head. The sleek, cold material gleamed slightly in the half-light. Fear and panic sent rapid shivers down my spine at the horrifying sight.

The stranger's features - or, what I could see of him - darkened into a twisted, cruel smile. "We had a deal, JJ." Just his voice made me feel uncomfortable. I clenched my fists, my palms cold but sweating with fear. "I-I don't understand what you mean..." I replied desperately, my voice shaking and faltering with uselessness.

The man's grip on Simon's neck tightened, slowly choking the air out of him. His finger slowly crept forward until it only just hovered above the trigger. My heart was racing. I stared at Simon in despair. His beautiful blue eyes were wide with alarm as he struggled helplessly in the stranger's merciless hold. "J-Jide!" He gasped. His voice wasn't the cheerful, optimistic melody I was familiar with. It was hoarse and shaky, hollow with fear.

I tried to take a wary step forward, but my feet were frozen in place, stuck uselessly to the ground. The stranger's smile widened. It was psychopathic grin, revealing sharp, blindingly white teeth. His finger slipped steadily onto the trigger. I gulped. "Please! I'll do anything, I promise! J-Just don't hurt him!" I cried urgently.

There was an eerie silence, suspense making the cold tips of my fingers quiver. Then that creepy voice again. His mocking, teasing words rang repeatedly through my ears. "Too late."

An ear-splitting boom pierced the empty silence.

Gasping for breath, I leapt up from where I lay. My heart was pounding rapidly in my chest. Immediately, I looked to my left. Relief washed over me like a calm wave at a sunny beach. Close beside me, Simon was sound asleep, his breathing rhythmic and gentle.

I heaved a sigh, thankful that he was safe. Simon began to stir, slowly rising from his position and sitting up. He rubbed his eyes before gazing at me drowsily, his head tilted with puzzlement. "JJ?" He gave an enormous yawn. "You were shuffling around all night," he mumbled. He placed his warm hand over mine comfortingly, giving me a reassuring smile.

I felt my breathing calm at the sight of him. He was a little shocked as I quickly wrapped my arms around his precious body without hesitation. "Oh, um...Okay?" He chuckled. "You alright?" His voice soothing; it sounded a bit concerned but soft and sweet. "I'm fine now that you're here."

"But...I was here along," he muttered, confused. His pretty blue eyes sparkled with innocence. "I had a nightmare... I thought I lost you," I explained, frowning as the memories rushed back. It seemed too real. But nothing else mattered, because Simon was safe now.

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