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"Well, Gabriel. What's this so-called plan?" You asked.

"Well, I'm gonna get you and Dean to meet up so you can be together." He explained.

"Why would you do that?" You asked.

"Because I saw what just happened and how much it hurt you to send him away." he explained.

"There was no one in the room."

"Well, Angels don't always have to be seen."

You scoffed, "You're an Angel?"

He snapped his fingers and suddenly the room was made out of candy.

"Holy shit." You breathed out. He snapped and everything went back to normal.

"See? Now let's get Dean back here."


"Excuse me? You love him, why wouldn't you want him?"

"I sent him away for a reason, now please leave so I can heal." You said, glaring at him.

"You're a stubborn one. As you wish." And with that he was gone.

You pulled the blanket up to your chin and closed your eyes. This time sleep came easily.

~Three days later~

You had been discharged from the hospital, and were currently packing up your stuff in your hotel room. Your back brace made your spine as straight as a ruler and it was annoying. When you had showered, you had looked at your back. Big mistake. There were big bruises, and several stitched cuts from surgery that would definitely scar.

You threw your duffel bag over your shoulder, hissing at the pain in your back. You walled out to your car, throwing the bag into the trunk. Exhaling loudly, you started the car. If you were gonna get to Dixie's bar before late, you needed to go now.

~Many hours later~

  You pulled into the parking lot and practically launched yourself out of the car. Your back was staring to hurt and you needed to stretch your legs. You walked up and banged on the bar.

"Be patient, asshole!" Dixie yelled, her back to you. She turned around to your grinning face and gasped.

"You're back!" She squealed, hopping over the bar. She crushed you in a hug, and you gasped I'm pain.

"Dixie, let go. It hurts." You wheezed. She let go and raised an eyebrow at you. You lifted your shirt up, revealing the brace.

"Oh my God! What happened?" She asked.

"The ghost I hunted with the Winchesters slammed me into a headstone." You exclaimed.

"Speaking of Winchesters." Dixie turned you around and pointed to a dark booth in the back of the bar. Dean was there, downing a glass of what looked like whiskey.

"How long has he been here?" You asked.

"He's come here every night the past four nights and stayed until dawn. He won't talk, unless he's ordering more alcohol. Any idea what's going on with him?" Dixie explained.

You shrugged, not looking away from Dean. Dixie walked away to help a customer and you stood there, frozen. Taking a shaky breath, you made your way over to the booth. You stood there, but he hadn't looked up. Suddenly you got an idea, you reached your hand out and he looked up.

"Dance with me."

He looked at you, his mouth hanging open. You stood there, feeling more insecure by the second. You were about to pull your hand away when he snatched it up, leading you to the dancefloor.

He held you close, and tears fell from your face onto his shirt. You two were swaying to the music and you felt at home once again.

"I'm so sorry, Dean. I never should have pushed you away." You cried, sighing.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. Because you came back. Don't beat yourself up over it." He whispered, his lips pressed against your hair. You nodded, the next few minutes of silence comforting.

You looked over at Dixie, who grinned and gave you a thumbs up. You took in Dean's scent, loving the unusual hint of apple pie and cinnamon.

You looked up at Dean, and your breath hitched at the gorgeous shade of green his eyes were. Your eyes flicked down to his lips, and you licked your bottom lip. Dean looked down and you tilted your head up, your lips centimeters away.


You jerked away from Dean, turning towards the familiar voice. The hazel eyes hunter stood there, a smile playing on his lips.

"Sam!" You exclaimed, running up to him and throwing your arms around his neck. You hugged him, oblivious to the jealousy on Dean's face.

"What are you doing here?" Sam asked.

"I came to visit my friend Dixie and found Dean instead." You explained, and Sam set you down.

"Well I'm glad. It hasn't been the same without you." Sam said, a warm smile on his face.

"We should go. Y/n, you coming?" Dean cut in.

"Ummm, sure. Let me get my stuff from my car. I'll meet you guys at the car." You said as the three of you walked out into the cold night air.

You quickly grabbed your bag and slid into the backseat of the Impala.

Dean started it up and soon you guys were speeding down the road.

You wondered where you guys were going, but soon Dean was pulling into a garage.

"Where are we?" You asked.

"The bunker. Our home." Dean replied.

You jumped out of the car and raced inside, looking around. You were so awed by everything you were looking at, that you didn't see the table until you bumped into it. A book fell off and you bent over to pick it up. Crying out in pain, you fell to the floor, pressing your hand against your back.

"Y/n!" Dean yelled, running over to you. He scooped you up in his arms.

"Dean, I'm fine. It's just my back hasn't healed completely." You said before yawning.

"Yeah, well you're tired anyways. So why not let you rest?" He replied, and you couldn't help but smile.

He carried you into a room and laid you on the bed. He pulled off your boots. He placed you under the covers and made sure everything was in place before turning to the door.


"Yeah?" He asked, turning around.

"Will you lay with me?"

Dance With Me {Dean Winchester X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now