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  You moaned as Dean pressed his lips to your neck. You were laying on his bed, Dean on top of you. (you still had your clothes on in case anyone was wondering) Dean ran his hands down your arms, sending chills through you.

"You're so ticklish." He said after you squirmed because he touched your ticklish spot.

"So?" You asked, sitting up to rest against the headboard. He came and sat next to you, intertwining your fingers. 

  "I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried." You whispered, the memories making tears spring to your eyes. 

  "Yeah, Gabe got there at the right time." Dean replied, both of you lost in thought. 

"I'm going to go see Sam, he's probably worried." You said, sliding off the bed.

"Is my brother replacing me?" Dean teased, but there was a hint of truth to his tone.

"You wish, I only have room for one green eyed hunter." You replied, earning a grin from Dean. You walked into the library, Sam's favorite spot. When he wasn't there you went to his room.

The door was cracked open and you peeked in. Sam was laying on his bed, his nose in a book. You walked in and the tall hunter looked up at you.

  "Y/n, you're okay!" He exclaimed, shooting out of bed. You smiled and he walked closer to you.

  "Yeah, I feel much better." You replied. He seemed to be nervous, about what you had no idea.

"So, I just wanted to say hi and tell you-" Suddenly, your words were cut off by Sam pressing his lips to yours. You were so shocked, all you could do was stay there as he pushed you against the wall.


  Gabriel slumped down in the chair, running a frustrated hand through his hair. There was a ruffle of wings and he turned to see his trench coated brother. 

   "Gabriel, what's wrong?" Castiel asked, his brow furrowing. Gabriel looked at his little brother, a sad smile on his lips. Castiel sat across from Gabe, ready to listen. 

  "Y/n is an amazing person, and I want her to be happy. But I also want what's best for her. I don't think it's safe for her to stay with the Winchesters." 

Castiel looked to be lost in thought for a moment before looking up at his brother.

"I understand you feel connected to y/n and want her to be safe, but I also know that she makes Dean happy and he makes her happy and the hunter's life is never safe. No matter how hard you try, she will never be safe. So I advise you let her stay."

Gabriel turned the thought over in his mind, hating that his little brother was right.

"You're right, by the way, what are you doing here?" Gabriel asked.

"I came to visit the Winchesters, I haven't checked in in awhile." Castiel explained, standing up. The two brothers walked out the door.


Sam had both your hands pinned above your head, his lips never leaving yours. You finally got control over your body again, and smashed your head into Sam's as hard as you could. He cursed and stumbled back, clutching his forehead.

"What the hell was that?" You practically screeched, walking over to Sam. He looked up at you and the color drained from his face.

"Oh God, Y/n I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me." Sam apologized. You were seething, and his apology meant nothing to you.

"I don't know what's wrong with you, but you need to fix it." You spat before storming out the door. Now that no one was watching you, you fell against the wall and sobbed, your entire body trembling.

A/n: This chapter Is really short and I'm sorry but I have had really bad writer's block lately. I'll do better on the next chapter. Anyways, who's excited for season twelve?!?!

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