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    You walked into the bunker, feeling extremely angry and sad at the same time. It wasn't fair, you were just as qualified as other women to have a child yet you couldn't. You walked into your room, stripping off all your clothes and stepping into the shower. The water mixed with your tears, and the music you were blasting overpowered your sobs. You sat down, pulling your legs up to your chest.

    Later that night, you and Dean crawled into bed. You laid back to back, not touching or even saying good night before falling asleep. That's how you knew this was effecting him as much as it was you, and you had no idea how the two of you would come back from this.

   "Y/n, wake up. We're going out for breakfast." You opened your eyes to see Dean standing over you, already dressed.

   "What? Why?" You asked, sitting up and rubbing your eyes.

   "It was Sam's idea." Dean replied, before grabbing his jacket and walking out of the room. You sighed, he was avoiding you. You got out of bed, pulling on a pair of skinny jeans, a black tank top, a red and black flannel, and your combat boots. You french braided your hair, putting on a bit of makeup before walking out.

   When you arrived at the diner, Sam sat down on one side of the booth and Dean slid in next to him. You bit your bottom lip and slid in opposite them.

   "So, y/n. How are you?" Sam asked, obviously Dean had told him about your no baby thing.

   "I'm fine, hungry, but fine." You replied, not wanting him to question you any furthur. Sam nodded and picked up his menu.

   Breakfast was extremely awkward. Barely any talking, and you and Dean sneaking glances at each other while the other wasn't looking. When you finally arrived back at the bunker, you walked into the library and grabbed your laptop.

   "What are you doing?" Sam asked, and you looked up at him.

   "Just getting on the internet." You replied, typing away on the keyboard.

   Over the next few weeks, Dean got more and more cold to you. He even moved into a different room, not helping you feel better at all. You felt like because you couldn't have children, he didn't love you anymore. Hell, you couldn't even love yourself anymore.

   You plopped down on your bed, putting your headphones in and turning the volume all the way up. Sam walked in, tapping your shoulder. You sat up and took the headphones out.

  "Can I help you?" You asked, crossing your arms across your chest.

   "I just wanted to talk to you... About Dean." He replied, and you sighed.

  "I know. I know. You guys aren't on the best terms right now, but-" You cut him off with a scoff.

   "Not on the best terms? He moved out of our room because I can't have kids." You exclaimed.

   "Y/n, you don't know that!" He snapped, and you shut up. Sam rarely got frustrated with you.

  "Dean's hurting. He's gone on at least three runs to get more alcohol this week. I'm really worried." He explained, and your mind instantly went to the three empty liquor bottles under your bed and the half full one under your pillow.

  "Well what am I supposed to do?" You asked. Sam shrugged.

   "I don't know, I guess I just wanted to talk to someone." He muttered, and you placed your hand on his shoulder.

   "I'm sorry Sam, this is hard on all of us. Just know I'm always here for you." You whispered and he nodded.

   "Thanks. Uh- I'm going to go get some actual food. Dean's going to starve himself." Sam said, standing up. You nodded and laid back down on your bed.

~An hour and a half later~

   There was a soft knock on your door and you yelled 'come in'. Sam walked in, holding a tray with food on it.

   "Oh, thank you." You said taking it from him.
   "You're welcome, I gotta get Dean his food now." Sam replied.

   "Actually, can I do it? I want- I need to see him." You asked. Sam nodded, handing you Dean's tray. You sighed and opened his door. He was sitting on the bed, a glass of whiskey in his hand.

   "Sam made dinner." You commented, hating that you felt awkward around your own fiance.

  "Tell him I said thanks." He replied, not looking at you.

   "Promise me you'll eat it." You said, setting it down on his nightstand. He grunted in response.

   "You know what? I understand you're hurting, but I am too. And it doesn't help that the love of my life doesn't even talk to me anymore. I don't even know if you love me anymore!" You exclaimed. Dean just looked at you, bewilderment in his bloodshot eyes. You turned around, your hand on the doorknob.

   "I still love you Dean. I always will." You whispered, before walking out of the room. You walked into your own room, grabbing your tray of food and nibbling on a bit of it. Tears swam in your e/c eyes and your lip trembled.

   After eating, you pulled on some yoga pants, a tank top, running shoes, and got your phone and earbuds.

   "I'm going on a run." You told Sam, who was eating and talking with Cas in the library.

   "Okay, be careful." Sam replied, accompanied by a nod from Cas. You walked into the cool air, the setting sun projecting blue, purple, orange, and pink into the sky. You began running, wondering what you did wrong and how you could fix it.

~Two weeks later~ ~Dean's POV~

   I walked out of my room, heading to y/n's room. I missed her so much, and I had finally realized I was being a dick. I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. I opened it to find the room empty and a note on the bed with my name, along with her engagement ring.  I opened it, my words scanning the page.


   I know this will hurt you, but I think me staying would have hurt even more. I can't make you happy, I realize that. And I'm not going to stay if I can't make you happy. I love you, and your happiness matters so much. We would never be able to have kids, and I know kids are something you want. Please forgive me, I can't stand you being mad at me. I left, I'm probably long gone by now. Tell Sam I will miss him and I'm sorry. I do love you Dean. I'm sorry.


   I crumpled the paper up, fists shaking with anger.

  "I have to find her." I whispered, and with that promise I tore out of her room to get everything I would need to find the woman I love.

A/n: Well, that was the end of the book. I hope you enjoyed it and If you want a sequel please comment. I hope you liked it! Love you all!!!


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