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    The second the Impala pulled into the garage, you launched yourself out of the car and ran into the bedroom. You slammed the door shut and crawled into bed. You knew Dean was going to try to talk to you, and that was the last thing you wanted right now. You had lost your child, that was the worst thing that could ever happen to someone.

  "Y/n?" Dean asked, walking in and closing the door behind him. You stayed silent.

  "Baby, I know you're hurting, I know that. And it kills me, but you can't stay in here your whole life." He said, moving your hair out of your face. Once again, you didn't answer.

  "Y/n, we can try again. We can do it now if you really want, just don't do what you're trying to do." Dean begged. You looked up at him, eyes glossy with tears.

   "Maybe another time. But now I need to mourn my child." You said, sobs catching in your throat. Dean nodded and kissed your cheek before leaving.

   Two weeks later, you still hadn't left your room. You walked into the bathroom, sighing as you slathered on makeup to hide the dark circles under your eyes. You pulled your hair up into a ponytail and slapped a fake smile on your face. You hoped it looked real enough for Dean. You walked into the kitchen where Sam was drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

   "Y/n, hey! Are you okay?" Sam asked. You reinstated the fake smile and nodded.

   "Yeah, just decided it was time to get out of the room." You said, pouring yourself some coffee.

   "Dean went out on a supply run, but he should get back soon. Then I'll make you some breakfast." Sam explained.

   "No need, I'm finishing my coffee then I'm going to find us a case." You said, sitting across from the younger Winchester.

  "A hunt? You think you're ready to start hunting again?" Sam asked.

   "Sam, I'm a hunter. It's what I do. Losing a child isn't going to change that." You replied.

  "Fine, I found one already. But Dean and I are coming with you." Sam argued, and you reluctantly nodded. It was the only way you could get out of this place.

  "Sam, I'm gonna make y/n some food. Maybe she'll eat more than a few bites if I make her favorite. So- oh hey Y/n, I didn't think you'd be out of our room." Dean said, his arms full of groceries.

  "Yeah, I thought it was time to get out and see the sun." You replied, getting up to rinse out your mug.

  "Well I'm glad to see you're feeling better." Dean replied, kissing your temple.

   "Y/n wants to go on a hunt, and I found us a case." Sam explained, holding up the newspaper.

   "A hunt? Y/n I don't think that's a good idea." Dean said. You smiled softly and placed a hand on his cheek.

  "Dean, I need to do this." You whispered, and he sighed before nodding.

   "Alright, tell me about this case." Dean ordered, leaning against the counter next to you.

  "Two women have gone missing over the past month, and one of the witnesses said that they saw a black figure on the crime scene." Sam explained, scanning the newspaper.

   "Sounds like a plan, I'll see you guys at the car in ten minutes." You said, walking to your room. After you packed, you started making your way to the garage when you heard hushed voices. You leaned in to hear.

   "I'm worried about y/n, she can't just get out of bed and be okay. I mean, I've been drinking myself to oblivion. But suddenly, she gets out of bed and wants to go on a hunt?" Dean whispered. You held back a gasp, how had you not noticed all the drinking?

   "I know Dean, I'm worried about her too. But if hunting will help, I say why not?" Sam asked.

   "Let's hope so." Dean replied, and you hurried to the garage before you got caught eavesdropping. Awhile later, the brothers came out with duffelbags on their shoulders.

   "What took so long?" You asked, smirking.

   "Don't ask me, it was Sam." Dean replied, opening the trunk. The three of you put your bags in the trunk before you hopped into the backseat.

   "Y/n, why don't you ask Gabriel to come along? It might be good for you." Dean suggested. Hearing Gabe's name sent pain through your heart and you shook your head.

   "I can't." You whispered.


    "Y/n, what are you saying?" Gabriel asked.

   "I'm saying I don't want you around my baby." You said, trying to hold back tears.

   "But why? What did I do?" Gabriel asked, walking towards you. You stepped back, shaking your head.

  "I don't want it near any Supernatural thing." You explained.

  "But you're a hunter, and Cas will be visiting." Gabe exclaimed. You sighed.

   "I'm not going to hunt as much after it's born, and Cas won't ever meet my child. And neither will you. I want it to stay safe." You explained, flinching at the look of hurt on his face.

  "But, I'm your Angel. I have to protect you, and your baby." He argued softly.

  "Why can't you respect my choices? If I say I don't want you around my child then you need to agree to that!" You yelled.

   "Y/n, I understand! But I don't think you should do this!" Gabriel yelled back.

   "Just leave." You breathed out, pressing your hand on the table.

   "Fine, if that's what you want. I wish you and your child a good life." Gabriel muttered. And with that, the Angel was gone.

~Back to present~

    You sighed and looked out the window. Trees sped by as your tears fell, and your self hate increased. It was your fault that everyone you loved left. You were the one that ruined everything.

Dance With Me {Dean Winchester X Reader}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum