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Once you arrived at your destination, you went to check into the hotel while the Winchesters got the bags. You walked into the small lobby that strangely smelled of dirt and smoke.

"How may I help you?" The man at the desk asked, his eyes raking up and down your body. You pulled your jacket tighter around yourself and walked up to him.

"I'd like a room, please." You said, trying not to grimace at his foul breath. He grinned a snaggle-toothed grin and typed something into the computer.

"Sure thing baby cakes, a king or two queens?" He asked.

"Two queens, and don't call me baby cakes." You replied. He chuckled and turned around.

"Who you with?" He asked, reaching up to grab a room key.

"My boyfriend, and his brother." You explained, wanting to leave this guy's presence.

"Ah damn, I was hoping we could have some fun. You know, maybe we still can." He offered, key still in his hand.

"No thanks, I don't go for men like you." You replied, snatching the key.

"And who says your boyfriend is any better?" He retorted. You whirled around to face him, oblivious to the fact that Sam and Dean just walked in.

"My boyfriend is the most understanding, loving, patient man I know. I'm lucky to have him." Then the next part more to yourself than the guy, "And even though we both lost a child I've totally checked out of life and left him to deal with his pain alone. I've been a real bitch."

"Y/n don't talk about yourself like that. It was probably harder on you than it was on me." Dean said, grabbing your hand. You smiled sadly before turning back to the guy at the desk.

"We'll be going to our room, and you can kindly screw yourself." You told him, a sweet smile on your face. Dean chuckled softly and the three of you walked to room 69 (wink wink).

You sighed and plopped down on the closest bed, the exhaustion catching up to you.

"Guys, let's wait to start hunting. I need a nap." And with that, you fell asleep.

When you finally woke up, it was still dark out which confused you. You sat up, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.

"Morning sunshine, well technically it's the evening." Dean said from his spot at the table.

"How long was I out?" You asked. Sam was nowhere to be seen.

"You slept for a solid 20 hours, which surprised me. I didn't know anyone could sleep that long. Especially a hunter." Dean said.

"Why didn't you wake me up? Where's Sam?" You demanded, throwing the covers off your body and standing up.

"Sam's checking out the bodies at the morgue, and you really needed the sleep, baby." Dean replied.

"Dean! We came here to hunt, not for me to take a nap!" You exclaimed. You pulled off your shirt and pants, throwing them somewhere in the room.

"Whoa, what are you doing?" He asked. You took off your bra, rolling your eyes.

"I'm getting in the shower, then we're gonna go join Sam." You explained, taking off your panties and walking into the bathroom. You closed the door and turned on the shower before stepping into the hot stream of water. You were soon all the way awake and singing loudly while scrubbing your hair.

You stepped into the small bathroom, wrapping a towel around yourself and sighing. For the first time in a long time, you felt actually happy. You could smile and actually mean it. With that on your mind, you walked into the hotel room with a light heart. On the table was a plate of chocolate strawberries, and there was a gift lying on your bed. Sam and Dean were watching TV on the couch.

"Hey! I felt bad for not waking you up to go on the case, so I got you a present and some chocolate strawberries. I hope you're not mad anymore." Dean explained, standing up and rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Dean, that's very kind. But I was just kind of shocked that I slept that long and you didn't wake me up, I'm not mad." You replied, walking over and popping a strawberry into your mouth.

"Oh my Gosh, these are good! You two! Come try one while I get dressed!" You exclaimed, gesturing for them to try one before walking over to your duffel bag.

"Actually, open the present first." Dean suggested, grabbing a strawberry for himself. You raised an eyebrow before picking up the skillfully wrapped box. Dean definitely didn't wrap this. You opened it to reveal a pair of skinny jeans, a (your favorite color) tank top, an over-sized sweatshirt, and a pair of fuzzy socks. You turned to Dean, a question on your face.

"I just figured you would like it, considering you wear that kind of stuff most of the time. And you once mentioned you wanted fuzzy socks." Dean explained, a small smile playing on his lips. You smiled and walked over, wiping a bit of chocolate off his mouth before kissing him.

"Thank you." You whispered, pulling away. You grabbed your new outfit and went into the bathroom to change. You french braided your hair and put on a little makeup before walking back into the small room. Both Winchesters were munching on strawberries, and you snatched the plate away.

"Hey!" Dean objected, and you laughed. You cocked your hip, placing your fist there while your other hand still held the plate.

"How about I go pick up some pizza? We can watch TV and eat. We'll start the hunt tomorrow." You offered.

"That sounds good! But, do you want me to come with you?" Dean asked. You shook your head, "It's just down the street. I'll be fine." You promised. You grabbed your wallet and slid on your shoes. You kissed Dean's cheek before walking out. The wind slapped you in the face and made your hair fly. Turning to the left, you started heading to the pizza parlor.

By the time you got back, you were very cold. You should've gotten a coat. You opened the door to find Dean about to grab another strawberry off the plate.

"Hey!" You yelled, and he backed away. You set the pizza down before launching yourself into Dean's arms, shivering.

"Whoa, you okay baby?" He asked, and you nodded. "Just cold." You explained, nuzzling closer to him. But the truth was, you were a little shaken up. On your way back, you had run into a pregnant woman. It was kind of like a punch in the heart.

"How about we get you in bed with some pizza?" He offered, and you agreed. About halfway through the movie, you were having a hard time keeping your eyes open. So, you fell asleep.

You woke up, confused as to what had woken you up. But then you remembered why you needed to get up. You quietly slid the blankets off yourself, as to not wake Sam or Dean up. Closing the bathroom door behind you, you got the other thing you had bought last night out from under the sink. A pregnancy test. After taking it, you anxiously waited for the answer. When it was done, you picked it up. Only to drop it back down and break down sobbing.

You were pregnant.

A/n: So last chapter I said you only spent three days laying in bed, but I am going to change that to two weeks. And once you and Dean did the frickle frackle, resulting in your new pregnancy. Okay? Okay. *Sobs because The Fault In Our Stars*

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