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  The next few days were complete bliss. Your favorite ride in California Adventure had been Radiator Springs Racers, a ride based on the movie Cars. Harry Potter World had been amazing, and Dean had bought you a wand. Sam and Gabriel had ditched you guys the last day to go to the beach, and you had ended up joining them. But Cas' favorite was the funniest, the second he saw the teacup ride he had fallen in love. He had gone so many times that you lost count, and he looked heartbroken when Dean had to pull him away. Dean. He had never looked so happy according to Sam, and that made your heart soar.

  Now all of you were packing to leave, no one really in much of a rush. You groaned and flopped down on the bed, your clothes strewn around the duffel bag.

  "I don't wanna leave." You complained, earning grunts of agreement from the guys. You sat up, getting an idea.

  "How about we go get ice cream and watch the sun set at the beach?" You offered, and everyone perked up.

  "That's a great idea!" Sam exclaimed, already pulling his shoes on. Everyone followed his lead and soon you were all piled into the Impala, you in the front seat this time. Dean pulled up to a retro ice cream shop, and you all got out. Dean wrapped an arm around your waist and you pressed your body closer to his.

  You got (your favorite ice cream), Dean got mint chocolate chip, Cas got chocolate, Gabe got cotton candy, and Sam got vanilla. Fortunately, the beach was close so you all just walked. The sun was sending shades of orange, pink, and yellow over the rippling waves and it was breathtaking.

  "We should take vacations more often." Dean muttered, coming to stand next to you. Sam and Gabe were wading through the water and Cas was walking around collecting shells.

  "Yeah, this has been great. Especially being with you." You replied, grabbing Dean's hand. He squeezed your hand and you watched as the sun set and the sky darkened into the portrait of thousands of stars.

   The next day everyone woke up bright and early, ready to go home. Cas and Gabriel flew home so there would be more room in the car and you spread out in the backseat.

It all happened so fast.

  Dean was driving through an intersection, when a big truck came speeding at the Impala. It crashed into the right side. The side with Sam and where your legs were laying. It crushed the whole side in, and caused the car to skid towards the forest.

  The car rolled several times, landing upside down. Everything in you felt like it was on fire, and the edges of your vision were starting to get black. You thought you heard someone yelling, but you were too far gone. You finally fell into the blackness, willing the pain away.

~Dean's POV~

   The car finally stopped rolling, and I looked back at y/n. Her eyelids were slowly slipping closed, and I yelled for her to stay with me. Sam was struggling with his seatbelt, trying to get out. I grabbed my knife and cut my seatbelt, then his. We both fell to the top of the car with a grunt, and I immediately went to get Y/n. She wasn't moving, and I panicked. I checked for a heartbeat, not being able to accept it if there wasn't one. I sighed of relief when I heard the faint beating. 

   "Sam! Get a damn door open!" I yelled, scooping Y/n up in my arms. Sam kicked his door until it opened, and crawled out to freedom. I wasn't far behind. I looked around the woods where the car had landed, Y/n dangling freely in my arms. I was sure I had plenty of injuries, but the adrenaline was blocking out the pain. 

 "Dean, we need to get to a hospital. Y/n isn't looking good." I looked down, he was right. She was pale, and her whole body was trembling. 

  "Okay, let's go. Hurry please." I urged, jerking my head towards the road up ahead. Sam started limping towards it, showing he had gotten hurt during the collison. 

   I followed him up to the road, but it seemed everyone decided now would be a good time to not be on this road. 

   "Just call 911, damnit!" I yelled, shifting Y/n a little bit. Sam pulled out his phone that somehow made it through the crash and dialed the number. 

~Your POV~ 

    You woke up, but didn't open your eyes. Your legs felt numb and heavy and everything else felt like it was on fire. Your fingers twitched from not being used for so long, and you tried to pry your eyes open. It didn't work. 

    "When is she gonna wake up?" A voice asked, deep and full of despair. You kept listening, curious as to who he was talking about. 

    "I don't know, she sustained severe injuries. It's possible she won't even wake up." Said a new voice, this one cold and professional. 

   "Never wake up? You're supposed to help her! She better wake up, she has to." The same deep voice said, getting softer as he went on. You finally got your eyes open, and looked around. 

  You were in a white room that smelled of disinfectant. The first person you saw was a man in a white labcoat, he must've been the doctor. 

  "Y/n?" You looked over and saw a gorgeous pair of green eyes. The man grabbed your hand, and confusion filled your brain. 

  "Who's Y/n? Who are you? Where am I?" You asked. 

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