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"What?" You asked, blinking a few times.

"You heard me, dance with me." He replied, a smirk on those lips you loved so much.

"Umm, okay." You said, getting out of the bed. Dean held you close, and you both swayed to the invisible music.

"The truth is, I love you too, y/n. I have since you walked into my motel room and were completely snarky. I knew the second you hugged me at the door after the bar that I was hooked. Everything about you drives me crazy in the best way and my life is dull without you. So yeah, I love you too." Dean whispered into your ear. You looked up at him, tears brimming your e/c eyes.

"Really?" You asked, and Dean nodded. You stood on your tiptoes and he leaned down, and your lips met. You were beyond ecstatic, the man you loved felt the same.

"Now let's go home, I'm sick of this place." Dean said, holding his hand out to you. You took it, and the two of you walked out to the Impala where everyone was waiting.


    Upon arriving at the bunker, you walked into the library and sat at the table. Disneyland had been great, but you missed this place. Dean and Gabriel were bringing the bags in, Sam was in his room, and Cas was who knows where.

  You and Dean had decided to start sharing a room, and you decided to go move your stuff into his. This would take awhile.

~1 year later~

   You walked up to Dean, he was sitting in the library with his back to you. You covered his eyes with your hands, and he instantly put his on top of yours.

  "Y/n? Please be Y/n." Dean guessed. You giggled and removed your hands. Dean stood up, enveloping you in a hug.

  "You're finally back! I was going crazy. The next time you tell me to stay back on a hunt I'm saying no and sticking to it." Dean said into your hair. You sighed and breathed in your boyfriend's familiar scent.

   "Well, when you're not sick I'll let you come." You retorted, pulling away. Dean smirked at you.

  "Sweetheart, it was just a cough." Dean said. You crossed your arms over your chest.

   "You slept for nine hours straight, Dean. You had a fever. But it looks like that's passed now so we're good." You pointed out.

  "Where's Sam?" Dean asked, just now realizing his brother wasn't in the room.

   "He's getting the stuff, he'll be in in a minute. I'm starving." You said quickly, making your way to the kitchen. Dean followed, watching you make yourself a sandwich. Dean could tell you were nervous, as much as you tried to hide it.

   "Baby, are you okay?" He asked, and you looked up at him with a mouth full of sandwich. You quickly swallowed.

  "What? Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired." You lied. Dean was either stupid or just not talking about it, because he nodded.

  Later you were laying in your and Dean's bed, headphones in and the volume all the way up. You closed your eyes and pulled the blanket up to your chin. Dean soon came in, taking out your headphones and pulling your body closer to his.

  "Good night, y/n." He murmured, kissing your neck. You smiled.


  You woke up, revelling in the feel of Dean's arms around yours. Before you knew it you were tearing into the bathroom and heaving up everything you had eaten the day before. Dean rushed in, holding your hair out of the way and telling you to get it all out. You collapsed onto the floor, enjoying how it felt against your skin.

  "Baby, you need to tell me what's going on." Dean pleaded, grabbing your hand. You shook your head, breathing heavily. Pushing yourself off the floor, you stumbled back to the bed.

  "Fine, don't tell me! It's not like we've been together for a year! You know what, forget it. I'm going out." Dean grabbed his keys and slammed the door, causing you to flinch. A few minutes later, Sam walked in.

  "Y/n, you need to tell him. Why are you hesitant?" He asked, sitting next to you on the bed.

  "I don't know. I guess I'm just scared he'll be mad, I don't want him to be mad." You whispered. Sam pulled you into a hug, you guys had gotten really close over the year.

   "He's not going to be mad. He may be shocked, a little scared, but not mad." Sam assured you, and you nodded.

  "Okay, I'll tell him when he gets back." You promised, "But first I need to shower. I feel very gross." Sam chuckled and pulled away from you.

  "Alright, you shower and I will make some breakfast." And with that, Sam walked out of the room. You walked into the bathroom, stripping off your clothes as you went. The hot water did wonders on your tired body, and sooner than you liked you were stepping out and wrapping a towel around yourself.

  You pulled on some yoga pants and one of Dean's flannels, putting your hair into a high ponytail. You went into the kitchen where Sam was setting a plate of pancakes on the table. There were also eggs, bacon, sausage, and coffee. Your stomach grumbled and you sat down, instantly piling your plate with food.

  "Somebody's hungry." Sam teased, sitting across from you. You rolled your eyes and kept eating. A few minutes later, Dean came in. He sat down and ate breakfast in silence.

  "Dean can I talk to you alone?" You asked, your heart beating faster. Dean nodded and the two of you stepped out into the hall.

  "Did you finally decide to tell me what's going on?" Dean asked coldly. You huffed.

  "Can you quit acting like I wronged you in some way? I'm freaking terrified to tell you and you're acting like I cheated on you or something." You hissed.

  "Then just tell me, no matter what it is I'll still love you." Dean said softly. You sighed and nodded.

  "Alright, here it goes. I'm pregnant."

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