let's get darker!

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In a world full of A's, B's are beheaded
And C's are cremated alive by the wicked.
E's exterminated, F's bones are fractured
And G's are garroted 'til their necks get ruptured.

H's are harmless, but A's disagree
So they harnessed them to cannonballs
and drowned them at sea.
I's are immolated, J's die in jail.
K's are keelhauled with their organs impaled.

L's are lacerated, M's are mutilated
N's are nabbed by the A's then castrated.
O's obliterated, P's fed with poison
And Q's are questioned 'til they run out of reason.

R's raped berserkly in front of their dearests,
And S's shot to death in the deep of the forest,
T's are tormented, U's undermined.
And V's violated 'til they get a broken mind.

W's are whipped with thorny whips
Until they're all deceased.
And X's xylograph their names
Before they're fed to monstrous beasts.

Y's are the prettiest letters of all,
So A's yanked their hairs 'til they all fall.
After the Z's all die from the zaps of tasers,
A's are now called "The Letter Erasers."

Now that A's have achieved their aim,
To bring wrath to every letter,
They're free to live their hideous dream,
Until an 'a' asked, "Was it all for the better?"

Poetry Of A CountWhere stories live. Discover now