roasted chicken, my <3

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Yesterday, I found myself in the other side of the coin,

Lamenting over things that got way badder than a child's dreams,

As I cried myself to sleep that night, with no one else to hold me tight,

I saw my dreams got out of hand, as it journey to wreak havoc through the land.

I was shaking bad,
Yet looking sad,
And feeling mad at this kaleidoscope of visions.
For how could I live another day
With no reason to live for?
How could I fight for what is right
If I give in to torture?
But, I won't.

Since one thing that I didn't expect
To come crawling to my life again,
Is the scent of an unfamiliar dish
A dish that I so perfectly adore.
So, now, I close the bathroom door and sing:

Roasted chicken!
Oh, God, you're so delicious for a snack!
You'd make a better substitute for drugs and crack!
How could I stop ravishing you,
with your perfectly delicious body?
When anyone wasn't there for me,
You were here to make me happy!
Oh, you did.

You really did. :)

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