what a nuclear icbm would probably think if it was alive

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Now I'm blasting

Everlasting love

Monsters laugh as

I come roaring through

In the skies I feel

Free as a bird

At times like these

I pretend to be something else:

What am I? A seagull on a journey
Enjoying the wind of the sea
Being as free as I can be without chains
Spread my wings so wide
So people would look at me
With awe from up above
Instead of terror

What am I? A plane so big
A hundred people fit in me
Inside they laugh along with friends
I zoom beside the setting sun
And people would now stare at it with wonder
They hug their families with them
And they would realize
It's a divine feeling to be alive and hold the ones you love for a long time

What I truly am? A carrier pigeon
Bringing the message of death
Upon thousands of innocents
Who will perish at the order of the vengeful and arrogant
I am a slave
Can't butt in to these things
Just do as I was programmed

To first let the people know I'm coming
Then, with myself, explode and annihilate them to oblivion

It's a sad, sad day
Truly a sad day
For myself,
For the children,
For the people of world,
For you.

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