don't drugs, mmkay?

97 7 3


Thought my problems
Were among the heaviest ones
On Earth.

So how couId I know,
That a kaleidoscopic rainbow
Would appear to me?

When the starlights from above decided,
They were gonna catch my tears,
And make it theirs,

Reflect, refract, disperse, they did.
They fused my tears and their light,
And it was beautiful.

Kaleidsoscopic rainbow,
Never stop streaming in my eyes.
These visions that you give me
Fulfills all my desires.

Kaleidoscopic rainbow,
Your light shines bright tonight
It shines brighter than my life, so I beg you:
Never stop streaming in my eyes.

Thought it was good,
Living under the delusion
That I transcend my own mind.

But no, it only shows
That I lack the means to see
The joy in every little trait of me.

So little did I know,
That the kaleidoscopic rainbow
Will try to blind me.

Kaleidoscopic rainbow,
It hurts so much tonight.
Your visions start to hurt me
Still, it feeds me with delight.

Kaleidoscopic rainbow,
I feel happy under this vice.
So I beg you once again,
Never stop streaming in my eyes.

Kaleidoscopic rainbow,
Don't stop streaming
In my blinding eyes.

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