Earth don't wanna die

19 1 0

Is what I see now truly is?
A fate of grand destruction?
What people say they do not miss
Flies over their deductions.

They fail to see that a little crack
Connects to a whole tectonic plate
Their doings will soon come haunt back
In the form of one tectonic quake

It's their passion I'm doubting
Do they really mean a thing they say?
Yeah, but I really think they're just so highly irked
They spout words like that to "advocate".

Thanks to it, I was woken up
Started taking notice of my empty cup
Realized that while I was lacking,
But not on the things I care about
So I'm going all out
To save and cultivate the place that I most hold devout
No more mistakes, no chiling out
Cause Earth's on a verge of passing out.

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