A Cruel Fairy Tale (Short Story)

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You all have heard the tales. Beautiful princess becomes caught by the spell of a jealous wicked old hag that placed her in a deathlike sleep. She will never wake again forever, but there's a catch. Only true love's kiss can rescue her from her slumbering spell.

But not all tales happen exactly as they are told.

I was never a prince, but I loved her. I loved her so much that when I heard the news of her "death", I scamper hurriedly on horseback to try to find her. I crossed many rivers, forests and traversed all dangers the journey gave me. No thoughts of giving up plagued my mind. My heart was desperate to find her no matter what.

And when I did, part of my soul broke.

I found that my kiss proved ineffective against the spell. That even as my lips brushed against hers, even if I felt the most divine feeling of happiness in my life, the spell still remains.

True love, is that not what I have?

Soon I realized that fate is cruel. Even if I have the most unconditional love in the universe for her, it wouldn't count because it takes the two of us to love truly.

Even if I love her, she doesn't love me, the slave she rescued from the hands of wicked people, the slave that would become her childhood friend, and the man who loves her in secrecy.

That is why I made a decision. Until the day her true love comes, it would be my duty to take care of her. My love is unconditional even if fate tells me otherwise. I love her so much that I would do anything just to remove the spell from her, even if I'm not the one to do it.

Sometimes, I wonder if Fate often makes mistakes, or maybe it prefers someone different, someone greater than me in its eyes. What gives me strength is believing that it is ultimately wrong.

And I will show how wrong it was. I will endure. I will always take care of my dearest, who possess the fairest heart of them all, even if it takes an eternity.

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