Chapter Four

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(Warning: Mention of drug use/drinking/smoking and overdose)

Cas woke up with his head in Dean's lap. Dean's head was lolling to the side slightly. Cas got up and pushed Dean down so he was lying on his back. Cas laid done next to him and went back to sleep.

Dean woke up the next morning on the floor, next to Cas. He poked his face and mumbled, "Wake up Cassie." "Ughh don't call me that," was all he got in return. Cas didn't even open his eyes. Dean continued to nudge him until he got fed up and climbed on top of Cas, he started tickling him. Cas screeched and jumped up, Dean flew to the floor. "Okay! Okay, I'm up."

It was Saturday so they just decided to be lazy all day. At around twelve p.m  Dean got a text from Sam.

Sam: Dude where the hell are you?


Sam: Yeah ok Captain America, and it's Sam!

Dean: Sam, Sammy. Tomato, potato.

Sam: Dean those are two very different things. One's a fruit and one's a starch.

Dean: Yeah yeah whatever, nerd.

Sam: Says the guy with the Star Wars poster! And you still never answered my question.

Dean: Don't insult Star Wars! I'm at a friends house I'll be home later.

Sam: Fine, thanks for the heads up by the way, leaving me all alone last night. Brother of the year.

Dean: I can practically HEAR the bitchface.

Sam: Good. See ya later, jerk.

Dean: Bitch.

"Who's that?" Asked Cas. "Oh it's just my brother acting all motherly. The moose worries about me." Cas giggled, then he accidentally snorted, his eyes went wide when he realized what he just did. Dean laughed, "Oh my god did you just snort? That was adorable!" Cas huffed, "I am not adorable, I'm manly as hell." "You're about as manly as Charlie." "Hey she could kick your ass if she wanted to." "You're probably right."


Dean and Cas sat on Cas' bed, they went back to getting to know each other.

"Most embarrassing moment of your life?" Dean thought for a moment, "Once, on Thanksgiving, I got the raw turkey stuck on my head." "What the hell?!" Cas said while laughing hysterically. Dean shrugged, "I was trying to scare Sammy. Okay what about you?" Cas composed himself, "When I was ten I was flipping through channels while my dad read the paper, and I stopped on the is on channel and asked my dad 'If the pizza man truly loves the babysitter, why does he keep slapping her rear? Perhaps she has done something wrong.' And just looked up slowly he said we weren't supposed to talk about it." Dean was laughing hard, "Jesus Christ you were watching porn at ten?!" Cas shrugged, "It was an accident."

Dean finally got the courage to ask Cas. "What was the guy like?" Cas immediately knew what he was talking about. "I'm sorry, if you don't wanna talk about it I won't bring it up again." Cas shook his head, "No it's fine. His name was Josh, he was 18. I loved him, and I guess he loved me too. But he was bad, he drank and smoked and did drugs. He got me hooked, it was hard for me to quit but I cleaned myself up after he died." Dean's eyes were wide, "You did drugs and smoked and drank?" Cas smiled sheepishly and scratched at the back of his head, "What can I say? I was an experimental 15 year old." "How did he, um, die?" "Cas looked down, "He overdosed. That's why I quit." "I'm really sorry Cas." Cas shrugged, "Don't be, it was harder for Charlie than it was for me." Dean furrowed his eyebrows, "Why?" Cas gave him a sad, pained smile, "He was her brother."

Damn! Betchya you didn't see that coming. Sorry I got a D in band so I was feeling extra dramatic. Idk what I'm even doing. I have my story planned out though. I got my shit together for once... even though I'm writing this at 2 in the morning when I have to be up by 6. Heh, wish me luck poptarts!

- Ely

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