Chapter Nine

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HAhahahahha these comments are amazing. On with the story! No trigger warnings. Be happy

Anna stared at him, "What?!" Dean, very calmly, repeated himself, "We need to break up." She was furious, "I JUST TOLD YOU I LOVED YOU AND YOU WANT TO BREAK UP?! IS THIS BECAUSE OF CAS?! WHAT DID HE TELL YOU?!" Dean just shook his head, "You're an awful person and I don't want to date you anymore." With that he got up and walked out the door. He sprinted to Cas' house.

He opened the door and yelled, "Cas we need to talk!" Cas came down the stairs, with Adam. The fuck? "Hey Dean," Cas said. Then Adam said, "Why are you here? We were in the middle of something." Cas whacked his arm. Dean scowled at him. Dean pulled Cas aside and whispered, "I broke up with Anna." Cas' eyes lit up, then he frowned and tilted his head to the side, "Why?" "Because of what she said to you, I don't want to date someone who would say something like that to their best friend." Cas pulled Dean into a hug, "Thank you Dean."

Suddenly the door burst open and a short, brown haired, honey eyed boy walked in. "Cassie!" He ran up to Cas and pushed Dean out of the way to hug him. Cas' whole face lit up and he hugged him back tightly. "Gabe! What are you doing here?" He winked, "I ran away from the shithead foster parents." Cas whacked his arm, "Language!" Gabe rolled his eyes. Gabe turned to Dean, "So, who's the ken doll?" Dean narrowed his eyes, so this was Cas' little brother. "That's Dean, my friend." Gabe nodded, "I'm watching you pretty boy," he said slowly. Dean gulped. Adam came down the stairs, Gabe looked at him and gave an exasperated sigh, "Okay, who the fuck is this?" Cas rolled his eyes, "That's my boyfriend Adam." Gabe wrinkled his nose. Adam rolled his eyes and kissed Cas before leaving.

A few hours they were all sitting on the couch and talking. Gabe went up to pee. Dean turned to Cas, "If that's Gabriel then where's the rest of the Novaks?" Cas looked down, "College or they left us. Mikey sends me money every once in a while and I have money from my dad before he blew his brains out. Guess he couldn't deal with my mom's death." "Wait if Gabe is younger then how did your mom die before him?" "He's my half brother, my dad got remarried but then they got divorce and my dad got custody, I dunno where Gabe's mom is. Gabriel is the youngest." Dean nodded.

Dean left a couple hours later. Sam was curious. "Dean where have you been? You keep disappearing on me!" Dean sighed, "I'm sorry Sammy, I was at Cas' house. You should meet him one of these days." Sam seemed satisfied with that answer and he went off to do homework. Dang that kid was a nerd.

Dean took Sam to meet Cas the next day, it was pretty awkward. They shook hands then Gabriel burst in and said, "What up Sasquatch?" Sam was amoosed.

Dean saw Adam a week later, it was after practice and they were the only ones left in the locker room.

Dean went up to Adam as he was tying his shoelaces, "Hey how are things with Cas?"

Adam turned to him with the most serious face he'd ever seen Adam make.

"I think I love him."

And that's when Dean realized, he was in love with Cas. 

ADAM THIS IS WHY WE LEFT YOU IN THE CAGE. Deano, finally you dumbass. MWAHAHAHAH. And you thought Anna was the only obstacle.

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