Chapter Fourteen

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Okay guys I'm a genius I stated writing the next chapter to Six Years and almost published it here on accident. Hehe I have too many fics going on.

After the whole ghost thingy everyone went home, Dean promised to call Cas in the morning. Sam and Dean went back to their house and flicked the lights on. Sitting at the kitchen table was their father.

"D - dad?" Sam said, looking terrified. "Don't stutter, boy," he said shaking his head. "I don't like it here, pack up boys, we're leaving." Dean's mouth literally fell open. "Dad! No you can't do this!" John's head snapped up, his eyes filled with rage. "What did you just say to me?! I am your father, you will do as I say!" Dean shook his head, "I'm 18 I can do whatever I want, and I'm not leaving!" "Fine," John growled, "but Sam's not. He's coming with me. So you can stay here but you'll be all alone." Dean was silent. "That's what I thought. Now grab your things. We leave in the morning."

Dean and Sam were both silently crying. Dean promised himself he'd take Sam and run as soon as his dad left for the bar. They packed the whole night. In the morning John climbed into the front seat of baby, it made Dean sick to see him driving her. "Dad I need to see someone," Dean said quietly, "Yeah me too," Sam piped up. "No, we're going now, no detours, no stops." Dean and Sam looked at each other. "Yes sir."

A few hours later they had pulled over to a gas station for John to buy some alcohol. Dean snuck into the bathroom and pulled out his phone. He called Cas. It went to voicemail. "Hey baby, I uh I don't know how to say this but, my dad took us. He's moving us to another state, again. I promise you, I will come back for you. I love you."


Cas got the message when he woke up. He screamed, he cried, he threw things. But Dean said he was coming back. And Cas would wait. He waited everyday for Dean to come back, but he never did.

Eight Years Later

Dean had tried to leave, he really did. But he and Sam were caught. Then John threatened to put Sam in foster care. By the time Sam was 18 John died. They didn't go back though. It had been four years. Dean was sure Cas had moved on. So he tried to. He had sent everyone a goodbye message when they had first got there. The one for Cas was really long and chick flicky.

Dean had tried to move on. He even had a girlfriend in college. Her name was Lisa. They were still together to this day. Dean wanted to go back to Kansas though, to see his old friends, maybe to see Cas. He hadn't really moved on, he just convinced himself he had. Lisa wanted to come too.

They drove down to Lawrence and booked a motel room. They went to the local bar. The first thing they saw was Charlie, Meg, Kevin, and Chuck drinking. "Charlie!" Her head turned around to see Dean. She walked over to him slowly. He thought she was going to hug him, instead she punched him in the face. "OW WHAT THE HELL?!" "YOU LEFT US WINCHESTER! YOU DIDN'T COME BACK! ALL WE GOT WERE SOME HALF ASSED GOODBYE MESSAGES! IS THAT ALL WE MENT TO YOU?!" By then Meg had put her arms on Charlie's shoulders, holding her back. Lisa was just standing there with a 'what the hell' look on her face. Meg yanked the front of Dean's shirt and pulled him outside with Charlie. Chuck and Kevin followed. Lisa tried to follow as well but Meg stopped her, "Look I don't know who you are and frankly I don't give a flying fucking shit, this is personal matters from when we were in high school, you need to stay in here." Lisa tried to argue but Meg's look of death silenced her.

She went outside to the alley where everyone else was gathered. Dean was talking. "Look guys, I left because I didn't have a choice, my dad was going to take Sam!" Charlie shook her head, "We get that, but why didn't you ever come back?" Dean lowered his head, "I thought you guys would just forgets about me." "Oh like you forgot about us?" Meg spoke up. "We wouldn't forget you Dean," Chuck said, Kevin nodded. "I'm sorry." Everyone decided to let it drop because Dean was finally home and they had some catching up to do.  "Okay, where's Cas?" Everyone shared a look.

"Guys?" Charlie spoke first, "When you left he got real bad, he um, started drinking again. He self harmed. It was like when Josh died all over again. We tried to help him but he wasn't taking any of it." "W - where is he?" Dean's voice as shaking. "In the hospital." "How is he?" "He has cancer." And with those four words Dean's world came crashing down. "H - how long does he have?" Charlie was crying at this point. "A few weeks, maybe less," Kevin said softly. Meg wiped a stray tear. It took a lot to make Meg cry. "Take me to him."

They drove to the hospital, totally abandoning Lisa in the bar. The nurses all knew them by first name, well except for Dean. They walked up to the room, they could heard music playing through the door. Kevin opened the door slowly. And sitting on the bed, pale and bony, was Cas. His eyes widened with shock.



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