Chapter Thirteen

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"What the shit?!" Gabriel and Sam had appeared behind them, also witnessing the whole ghost experience. Cas looked like he was about to have a panic attack. He had his knees pulled up to his chest and he was rocking back and forth slowly. His breathing was scratchy. Dean pulled him into his lap and stroked his hair until he calmed down.

After that they did some research, they needed to find out what the hell just happened. They came across a website all about paranormal activity, Two men appeared on the screen, one had a beard and glasses. "Hello fellow ghostfacers, we are here to teach you about getting rid of a ghost. Iron and salt will keep them away, make a salt circle and get in it, not in the duffle bag though, the circle." "Ed!" "What, Harry? Anyway, you need to salt and burn the bones, that's how you'll get rid of your ghost." "And if that doesn't work find an object the ghost might be attached to, salt and burn that bitch." The guy apparently named Harry took a deep breath, "We learned this from those DOUCHEBAGS, I can't even say their names." Ed put a hand on his shoulder, "until next time, we'll see you later ghostfacers." Then their theme song played, "Ghost, ghostfacers! We face the ghosts when the others will not! Stay in the kitchen when the kitchen gets hot! Ghost, ghostfacers!"

All four of them turned their heads to look at each other. "Ten bucks says they're together." "Gabe!"

Cas looked down, "Josh was cremated." They all started brainstorming things that he could be attached to. Then they called Charlie.

"You're saying my dead brother came back as a ghost because Dean and Cas got together?" They nodded. She took a deep breath, "Then let's get to work! I'll bring over all his stuff and Cas you bring what you can and we'll have a big old burn party!" She was crying by then and Cas was hugging her.

They did exactly that, Charlie brought over all his clothes, Cas brought over whatever he found and they burned it all. Cas was holding the metal box tightly in his hands. "Do you thing it's over?" "One way to find out." Dean dipped Cas down and kissed him like they do in those old romantic movies. Then they heard a blood curdling shriek. "Cassie you left me!" Charlie and Cas were crying, Josh was here. Then Cas got mad, "No! You left us! We loved you and you left us! Why?! Leave! Go away! You died don't come back and screw with us!" Josh started to flicker. "Cas is the thing tying him down! He's holding onto Cas, if Cas lets him go he'll leave!" Gabe said.

Josh turned to Charlie, "Charlie I'm your brother, don't let them do this to me!" Charlie shook her head, face tear streaked. "My brother died a long time ago, you're not him." And with that Cas threw the metal box and everything in it I tot he fire. Josh went up in flames, screaming loudly. Then he was gone.

Cas comforted Charlie, Dean comforted Cas. Sam and Gabe held hands. All was good in the world, at least for now. Little did they know, back at Dean and Sam's house, a man was drunkenly climbing up the stairs, it was none other than John Winchester.

BOOM! Update!

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