Chapter Fifteen

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Okay guys this is the second to last chapter!!! Sorry after I finish this one I have two others to finish and I might start a new one cuz again, I have commitment issues.


"Hey Cassie." Dean could literally feel his heart breaking. Cas' hair was sticking up all over the place, but it was thinning. His blue eyes were lacking their spark. His arms were like toothpicks, the rest of his body was bony. Cas was paler than Dean had ever seen him. Dean didn't realize Gabriel was in the room until his was pushed up against the wall and punched in the face. Now Charlie's punch hurt, but she only hit his cheek. Gabriel however, hit him square in the eye so it was much more painful.

"Gabe!" Gabe just shrugged, "Someone had to." Charlie raised her hand, "Actually I already did." Gabriel high fived her. Dean stumbled over holding his hand over his eye. "Uh guys can I have a moment with Cas?" Gabriel stated yelling at him until he was dragged out of the room by Kevin and Chuck. Meg and Charlie followed.

"Hello Dean." Dean walked up next to Cas' bed and broke down. "God Cas, I'm so sorry! This is all my fault!" He was kneeling by Cas' bed and had his face pressed in the hospital sheets. He could feel Cas' frail hand run through his hair. "Shhh, Dean it's okay. It's not your fault. These things happen." Dean lifted up his head, "No! They're not supposed to happen to someone like you. The world's not supposed to be able to keep turning without you here Cas." Cas smiled sadly. "You know Dean, I was so mad at you when you left. You said you'd come back. By the time he first year ended I knew you weren't. When this happened," he said gesturing to the monitors hooked up to him," I wasn't angry anymore, I was sad, because I thought I was never going to see you again. Because I've missed you Dean, I've missed you so much." Dean let out a small sob. He kissed Cas' forehead, "I've missed you."

The door opened and a nurse walked in, her name tag read Tessa.

"Hey Cas, oh who's this. I don't recognize him from your usual visitors." "This is Dean." She stopped dead in her tracks, "Dean? The Dean?" She was walked up to Dean and slapped him across the face. Man he was getting beat up today. "Dean what is wrong with you?!" Cas looked uncomfortable, "Tessa its fine." She put up her hand to silence him, "Hush Cassie." She turned back to Dean, "You may not be responsible for the cancer in Cas' lungs, but you're responsible for his broken heart." And with that, she walked out of the room.

Cas broke the awkward silence first. "Gabe decided to vent to her when I was first admitted here. They bonded over their hatred of you." Dean nodded, "Sounds like Gabe."

Then the door swung open again, it was Lisa. "Hey Dean! You forgot me." She walked his arm playfully. "Who's this?" Dean pulled her out of the room to talk to her privately. "That's Cas." Her eyes widened, "As in your old boyfriend Cas?" He nodded. "Well okay then, go say goodbye, we have a lot of sight seeing to do!" Dean made a 'what the fuck' face. "What?" She giggled, "Right, Lawrence doesn't exactly have a lot of sights to see but we can make the most of it." Dean shook his head in disbelief, "He's dying, I need to be with him!" "I mean, I get that he's sick and that sucks but he's your exe, that's really awkward for me." Dean narrowed his eyes, "You don't have to be here." She giggled again, "Of course I do, I needed to come fetch you!" "This isn't about you Lisa! This is about Cas, and I'm not leaving him again." Lisa pouted, "Don't make me make you choose Dean." Dean rolled his eyes. "Fine, you asked for it. Dean I'm giving you a choice, you can stay here and wait or come with me, if you don't choose me we're over." Dean didn't think for one second before answering. "I'm not leaving." Lisa scowled, "Whatever!" Then she stormed off.

Dean walked back into Cas' room. "You didn't need to do that, but thank you Dean." Dean shook his head, "She was a bitch anyway. Have you ever realized that when we were younger half the time you were saying 'thank you Dean' you don't need to thank me Cas, I'm not going to leave you. No matter what." Cas smiled shyly. "I have something for you." He reached under the collar of his shirt and pulled out the Samulet. He lifted it over his head and put it in Dean's palm. "I kept it safe for you." Dean felt a tear slip down his face, "Thank you."

Dean was sitting in the chair next to Cas' bed. They were catching up on what had happened in the past eight years. "So how about those last eight Super Bowls huh?" Cas said awkwardly. Dean laughed and shook his head. "Wow Cas, smooth." Cas blushed.

After a while Cas had become tired. He was laying down and Dean was stroking his cheek. "Cas?" "Hmm?" "I love you." There was a pause. "I love you too Dean."

Dean smiled, Cas fell asleep. Then five words came crashing back into Dean's mind and ripped the smile right off his face.

A few weeks, maybe less.

Don't hate me...

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