Chapter Twelve

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When Adam went to see his boyfriend, who was apparently in the hospital for reasons that no one would freaking tell him, and saw Dean and Cas kissing, he was pissed.

He burst into the hospital room, because he had been looking through the window like a peeping tom, and yelled at the top of his lungs, "WHAT THE HELL?!" Cas and Dean jumped apart and Dean muttered, "Shit we forgot about Adam." Cas gave him a bitchface Sam would be proud of. "
"Ohhh, uh hey Adam. I think we should see other people," Cas said awkwardly. Adam's face was turning red, "I just told you I loved you and now you're kissing Dean?! I always knew Dean liked you but I never thought you'd be stupid enough to like him back!" "Hey! I love Cas!" Dean yelled back defensively. Cas looked like he wanted to hide under a rock. "I love him too," Cas said quietly. "Whatever, thanks for wasting my time, Novak. At least I got to hit that once." And with that Adam stormed out of the room.

Cas looked down at his lap, "Oh god I'm such an awful person," Dean put a finger under his chin and lifted his head up, "No you're not. I shouldn't have told you while you were seeing someone." Cas smiled at him.

"So you slept with Adam? I'm feeling a little left out." Dean fake pouted. Cas smirked, "I think I can help with that."


Dean rolled away from Cas, "that was..."



"Never again."

"Let's do it again."

"Oh god yes."


Sam and Gabe were outside cringing. Sam turned to Gabriel, "Are our brothers doing it?" "I think so." "Grossssss!" They said at the same time. "We never speak of this right?" "Right."

They were sitting in awkward science for a while then Gabriel linked his pinky with Sam's. They never spoke a word but they were both smiling.

Dean came out of the room a few minutes later, hair a mess, and big stupid grin plastered on his face. He ruffled Sam's hair and went to go get some water. Cas was inside smiling softly. He was in love. He looked up (what no, Jess get out of the way) "I'm sorry Josh, you left me so I had to move on. He makes me happy. Please understand," he said softly. A breeze blew through the window, first it was soft then it became bigger. Scratching noises came from the whiteboard in the corner. An invisible force scratched a word into it, 'NO' the lights started to flicker. Cas tucked his knees to his chest. "Dean!" Dean burst in just in time so see a figure appear. It was male, brown hair, about six feet, and transparent. "J-Josh?" The figure disappeared and evrything went back to normal.

Oh look what I did. Also I made Sabriel cuz I needed Sam to end up with someone. Not you Jess! *flips off ceiling*

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