Chapter Six

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(Warning: Mention of self harm/ suicide)

The next few weeks went by quickly. Cas avoided the subject of cutting and Dean did his best to make sure Cas was alright. Dean hadn't mentioned anything to Charlie, he was kind of scared. Dean had been 'dating' Anna for about three weeks now and he had to admit, he liked her a lot now. He decided to just date her and Cas said that since she hadn't broken up with him yet she might actually like him. He couldn't believe that he once had a crush on Cas, he could have totally ruined their friendship! God he was an idiot.

Anna told Cas everyday how dreamy Dean was and how much Dean liked her. It was getting kind of annoying.

Dean had been going to football practice everyday since he made the team a week ago. The coach said he was doing well.

One day on the second week of practice a boy named Adam walked up to Dean. "Hey you're friends with Castiel right?" Dean nodded, "Yeah, Cas is my best friend." Adam nodded, "He's gay right?" Dean's mouth went into a straight line, "No, he's pan. You better not give him any crap about his sexuality or I'll kick your scrawny ass." Adam shook his head furiously, "No, no, no I like him! That's why I was asking, it'd be kinda awkward to hit on a straight guy." Dean felt slightly disgusted. Adam smiled, "Wish me luck!"

Dean watched him walk away, he was still grossed out but he shrugged it off and went to find Charlie. She was under the bleachers crying. Dean rushed up to her, "Charlie, are you okay?" She scowled at him, "Do I freaking look okay? God I hate it when people ask me if I'm okay when I'M CRYING!" Dean backed away, "Uh, I'm sorry." She shook her head, "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken it out on you." Dean inched closer, "Why were you crying?" Charlie rubbed her nose, "It's the three year anniversary of my brother's death," she mumbled.  The first thought in Dean's head was Cas. He must have mumbled something under his breath because Charlie's eyes widened. "He's gonna hurt himself!" She jumped up, "We gotta go!" "Wait wait what?" She grabbed his shoulders, "Every year on day he died Cas does something stupid, I think it's because this is also the day they met. It's like he's reliving it." Dread washed over Dean. "Reliving what?" Charlie's eyes watered again, "That's how they met, Josh was giving blood at the hospital when they brought Cas in." Dean's throat went dry, "Brought him in for what?" Charlie shook her head, "He tried to kill himself."


- Ely

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