Chapter Eight

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Okay casbean I raise you one update. And look, no warning! Happy now?

Adam and Cas had been going out for weeks. Adam was very handsy. It made Dean mad because you could tell Cas was uncomfortable but he was afraid to say anything. Meanwhile Anna and Dean were doing great, Dean could really see himself falling for this girl. But there was a sort of block from him saying it. They had been going out for months now. He didn't understand, Anna was great. She kept hinting that he should say it, but he never did.

Dean was at Anna's house at the moment. They had frickle fracked, as Charlie would say it, before but surprisingly Anna wasn't very good at it. Now Dean was trying to avoid it at all costs. So he said he had to go to Cas'. Anna seemed mad.

When he got to Cas' house he was staring at his phone with wide eyes, he looked like he was about to cry or scream, or both. When Dean closed the door Cas' head snapped up, "What did you do?!" Dean furrowed his eyebrows, "What?" Cas shoved his phone in Dean's face to show a text from Anna. 'Why the hell is MY boyfriend going over to your house again?! Do you like him? Because he LOVES me so stop being so selfish and trying to get in the way of my happiness! Are you just trying to use him to get over that guy Josh? Get over it Cas! He's gone and he's not coming back! Plus Dean is not a faggot like you.' Dean stared at the text, becoming more angry by the second. Cas put the phone down and sniffed, "I think you should go." Dean shook his head and pulled Cas into a hug. "Why would she say something like that to you, isn't she supposed to be your best friend?" Cas buried his head in Dean's chest, "When she gets really mad she says stuff she doesn't mean." "That's no excuse." Cas just shrugged. "God I hate that word, plus I'm bi, does she know that?" For the first time ever all good thoughts about Anna were replaced with just one, what a bitch.

He was spending a lot more time with Cas, and Anna noticed. She didn't apologize for the text like she usually does when she sends something rude. Cas was beginning to think she meant it. Cas and Adam were doing well-ish. Adam only talked about sports and referred to his house as 'hell' he kept trying to sleep with Cas which Dean found annoying. Cas and Anna hadn't patched things up even though it had been a month. Cas now considered Charlie his best friend.

Anna texted him one day saying 'we need to talk.' He met Anna at her house. She dragged him over to the couch and put her hand in his shoulders. "Okay I have something to tell you. You're gonna love it." Dean nodded, "Okay? I have something I need to tell you too." "Okay you go first," she said. "No you can."

"Dean I love you."

"We need to break up."

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