Meeting The Faries

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Awaking in a strange world is normal right?

I ask myself for the 57th time. I already screamed when I first opened my eyes to the hazy looking air, the ground, a solid yet cloudy texture, and the colors, bright and ones I had never even seen before.

How did I get here?

After sitting around and trying to think my way through what had happened, I gave up. I tentatively stood up.

"Um... Hello?" I say.

"Who's there?" I hear a little singsong voice say. Then I hear small giggling.

"Um, my name's Amber." I say.

Suddenly I am grabbed from behind. I almost scream but find myself out of breath as I am flown up into the clouds.

"Well hey newbie, welcome to the Fairylands." I hear a boys voice behind me.

"Um... Hi?" I say. He chuckles.

"Sorry about the quick fly, but we always love playing with newcomers." The guys says.

..... Fun?

"Uh, um, what's your name?" I ask.

"The names Lucas." He says, still flying. "What is yours?"

"Amber. What do you mean by play?" I asked softly.

He laughed again. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll enjoy it."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Just think, and laugh," Lucas says pinching my sides.

"Hey! Don't do that!" I say squirming slightly.

"Oh but Amber, that's the point," Lucas laughed.

I am suddenly throw up in the air I scream and then am caught now facing him.

Well dang. He's cute. He has blonde hair that sticks up a little with golden eyes. Literally. His eyes are gold. He's got some muscles. That's for sure. He's so cute! Get this, he even looks my age. I realize I am still in his arms and try to hide myself from blushing.

"Whatcha doing?" He asks.

"Sorry, sorry, I just, sorry." I say and put my head down.

"Gosh, we gotta to get to work on your happiness. I should definitely help out with that." He says with a smirk.

"Nope. Not if it involves tickling me!" I say plastering a fake smile on my face.

"Hmmm, you see, I can't. Tickling is the thing here, has been for several years, and it's not leaving." Lucas says.

"I'm not buying it," I say and cross my arms smiling.

"I'm sure you'll change your mind, after a little convincing," He says.

"Convincing?" I ask nervously.

I am suddenly dropped on a literal cloud. It is fluffy and soft. It makes me smile.

"Look out!" I hear Lucas yell from somewhere before he pounces on me. Straddling me suddenly and immediately wiggling his fingers in my armpits.

"Nohaha! STAHPHAHA!" I yell through my laughter.

"Well someone sure is ticklish. You sure you aren't part fairy?" Lucas teases as I try to grab his wrists but he escapes without effort.

"NOHAHA PLEASE NOAHAHAT THERE!" I continue to yell as he digs his fingers into my armpits. One of my most ticklish places.

Laugh For Me - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now