Who's the Idiot?

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"You have to turn everything into a competition." Stella huffs as we bound away.
"Don't push this on me." I reply and she rolls her eyes.
"They are literally going to kill us, I have no doubt they will tickle us to death." Stella says.
"They're not going to kill us, don't be ridiculous, we'll find a way to win." I say then think for a moment. "Yeah, this is hopeless."
"Not as much for me as it is for you." Stella continues.
"How?" I ask "We are both going to die."
"At least I'm not the most ticklish person in the world." Stella shrugged.
"I wonder who is." I say.
"Haha, funny joke, we all know it's you." Stella replies.
"Is not." I argue.
"Is too, now shut up before something or someone hears us." Stella's says. We continue down an unmarked trail.
"I was thinking, you tell me why you're here, and I tell you why I am." Stella says.
"I'd rather forget reality and enjoy this dimension while I can." I state simply.
"No, Amber, tell me." She says.
"No, or what?" I challenge.
"You know what." Stella says.
"You're really planning to go against me, we're on the same team." I say.
"Does it matter? They are going to go after you more than me." Stella says.
"Yes it does, at least Lucas is more reasonable than you." I say.
"How does that even relate to this conversation?" Stella asks.
"It doesn't, just change the subject." I say trying to cover myself up.
"What subject, Lucas?" Stella asks.
"Stop talking about him." I say quietly and turn, only to be turned back around by Stella.
"Ohhh, I see." Stella says.
"Nothing. You see nothing." I attempt to convince her.
"You have a little crush, do you?" Stella teases.
"Stop it with the teasing, I don't." I say.
"Amber... Don't you lie now." Stella says and I ignore her until she pokes me.
"Stop." I say.
"No, I like messing with you, now my plan to get you two together..." Stella begins.
"Haha, they're cute, trying to find their way." Lucas says to Chelsie.
"Which ones cuter?" Chelsie asks.
"What?" Lucas asks.
"Nothing, nothing, who's laugh is your favorite?" Chelsie asked a general question.
"Without a doubt, Amber." Lucas says then pauses, "I mean, her giggle is very cute and makes me smile."
"Aww, that's cute." Chelsie says.
"Whatever, you asked." Lucas says.
"You don't have to hide the fact that you like Amber." Chelsie says.
"What?? I don't." Lucas replies and looks down. Chelsie jumps onto him without warning.
"Hard way it is." She says.
"But you didn't even offer me an easy way!" Lucas says.
"Oh, you're right... I don't care!" Chelsie says and begins to tickle his sides making him belt out laughter.
"Ready to admit yet?" Chelsie asks.
"Never." Lucas says clenching his teeth together.
"You leave me no choice." Chelsie says before tickling his neck softly.
"Nohaha, stop! Nothaha the neck!" Lucas squeaks between words.
"Aw, but this isn't even your worst spot." Chelsie says.
"I give, I give." Lucas says and she stops.
"So..." Chelsie says.
"I like her." Lucas says.
"Like who?" Chelsie says smiling.
"I like Amber." Lucas states and smiles as well.
"See, it wasn't that hard." Chelsie says.
"When should we attack?" Lucas asks as they follow behind the unknowing friends.
"Why not now?" Chelsie asks and they smile at each other.
Amber and Stella continue to argue, it was one thing that they often did.
"You're lying!" Stella yelled.
"Like you haven't, when you told me you didn't have a crush on Nathan!" Amber responded and turned to her.
"Shut up, or I'll make sure to sacrifice you first!" Stella says as Amber sees just above them, two very familiar faces flying towards them.
"Not unless I do first." Amber says quickly, shoving Stella into Chelsie and Lucas just as they land before bolting in the other direction.
"There she goes again." Chelsie sighs.
"We should go get her!" Stella says.
"Nah." Chelsie and Lucas say in unison.
"We'll have some fun with you first." Chelsie says.
"But Chelsieeee." Stella argues. Both Lucas and Chelsie roll their eyes before jumping onto Stella and pinning her.
"Now I wonder where this one is most ticklish?" Lucas asks Chelsie.
"I have an idea." Chelsie says tugging up Stella's shirt slightly. Stella looks back at her, concerned.
"Amber told me." Chelsie says before skittering her fingers across Stella's tummy. Which released soft giggles.
"Shehehehe told youhaha wrong!" Stella says fighting against Lucas who pinned her arms.
"Oh honey, we're just warming up, I haven't even gotten to that spot yet." Chelsie grins.
"WaitHAHAHAHA." Stella laughs harder as Chelsie begins to inch towards her feet.
"She's the ruthless one." Lucas comments before joining in on Stella's armpits, swirling around his fingers in them.
"NOHAHAHA STOHAHAP!" Stella cries out and Amber smirks, hearing her friends laughter in the distance.

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